NC Dems Push Bill To Restrict Immigration Enforcement At Certain Locations

By Brianna Kraemer
Carolina Journal

Democrats in the North Carolina General Assembly introduced two bills this week to limit law enforcement’s role in immigration enforcement at certain locations in North Carolina as the Trump administration cracks down on illegal immigration.

House Bill 78 would prohibit law enforcement agencies and officers from assisting Immigration and Customs Enforcement in making immigration arrests or serving deportation warrants in places like religious institutions, schools, and hospitals. 

Recognizing the role of immigrant workers in agriculture and construction, House Bill 80 similarly would prohibit immigration enforcement on North Carolina farmland and construction sites. 

The bills aim to protect the locations from disruptions and prevent fear in vulnerable communities seeking essential services. 

Under the North Carolina’s Constitution, the state’s police power is vested in the General Assembly, explained Jon Guze,  Senior Fellow in legal studies at the John Lock Foundation, which means the General Assembly has the power to enact the bills restricting cooperation with ICE. However, with a Republican majority that recently passed legislation to require sheriffs to cooperate with ICE in all 100 counties, the bill faces an uphill battle in both chambers. 

Guze said he has mixed feelings on the bill, supporting the deportation of illegal aliens while also noting the drawbacks of law enforcement entering public areas to make a spectacle arrest.  

“On the one hand, there are plenty of illegal aliens who ought to be deported, and I think it’s fine for North Carolina law enforcement agencies to help make it happen,” said Guze. “On the other, I don’t much like the idea of federal, state, or local law enforcement officers raiding churches and schools. I think mass arrests at workplaces also makes for an unedifying spectacle, and I’m sure many employers are genuinely worried about alien employees being afraid to show up for work regardless of their immigration status.”

Though Democrats introduced the legislation in the General Assembly for the 2025 session, Guze noted that they did not do so when previous administrations pushed deportation efforts forward. 

“It’s important to keep in mind, however, that there were lots of mass arrests and deportations during the Obama administration, including at workplaces,” Guze added. “I don’t recall the General Assembly doing anything to block participation by state and local law enforcement agencies back then. In fact, I don’t recall many complaints from the left at all, which makes me suspect these bills are politically motivated and don’t represent a genuine attempt to help illegal aliens and their employers.”


  1. They would rather hide a criminal than keep NC safe. Quit resisting The man is trying to help America I have nothing against any legal immigrant.

  2. Folks we need to protect our illegals and realize that us Democrats can build back better a stronger and faithful voting block of a needy welfare state citizenship that will faithfully vote for our Democrat Party for generations!!! We put out the call when President Biden was elected to invade our American borders with your countries most needy and uneducated and they answered our call in groves!!! Folks we handed them smart phones to access our federal dollars to buy automobiles, food and lodgings and to secure a driver’s license so they can vote!! We can’t just give up and abandon our illegal immigrant’s just because we elected a convicted felon!!! Our illegal immigrants already feel betrayed by us so we must stand up and support this action to Push Bill To Restrict Immigration Enforcement At Certain Locations!!! SAVE OUR DEMOCRAT PARTY AND VOTE BLUE UNTIL WE ARE THROUGH!!!!

    • “ build back better a stronger and faithful voting block of a needy welfare state citizenship that will faithfully vote for our Democrat Party for generations!!!“.

      Why do you everyone to rely on the government so badly? That’s like intentionally holding people back just to make sure you stay in power and get what you want.

    • You know I thought I saw some idiot koolaid drinkers on X but I stand to be corrected. You sir are the biggest kookaid drinker I have every seen. In the words of my granny “bless your heart”

  3. What a preposterous bill!? Endorsing criminal behavior is a Hallmark of Democrats.its bad enough when it enriches them but when it harms US citizens the should be made to answer. Stop paying their salaries with my tax dollars.

  4. Anyone in our country who is not here legally needs to go and come into this country as a legal citizen like my Grandparents did. Our Country welcomes all, but the legal way. I do not care if it is a person from anywhere in this world as long as they are legal.

  5. This stuff is ridiculous. If you break a law, you must face the consequences. I cannot break laws, you cannot break laws, so why is it ok for a non-US citizen to break US laws? That’s not fair to every single American who is currently incarcerated. Furthermore, why does a non-US citizen get protection from the Constitution if they are not American? How about follow the law of the land and if you don’t like the law, work with your local, state, and national politicians to change the law. Lastly, we cannot afford to keep these folks up and we certainly do not go to work everyday to pay for it.

  6. The Demoncrats and illegals have taken enough from the US citizens. Free time is over. Jail for everyone violating Federal Law.

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