MIDDLESEX – A Johnston County man is offering a cash reward for the recovery of an ATV stolen from his home.

The theft happened Friday, January 31 in the 9100 block of NC 222 West, Middlesex, near Stancil’s Chapel.
Avery Narron said his black and lime green 2022 Yamaha Raptor 700R special edition race quad was stolen from a barn behind the home where he lives with his grandmother and sister.
“I kept it in a barn in the backyard. I left for work. When I returned I noticed the four wheeler was gone,” Mr. Narron said Monday.
Mr. Narron does not believe it was a random incident and the suspects knew no one would be at home. “It’s not visible from the road. Whoever took it knows me. Whoever took it knew my little sister would be at school and I would be at work and that my grandmother had been in the hospital since Christmas.”
Narron believes at least two people were involved with the theft.
Narron said the ATV, valued at more than $10,000, was not insured. He is offering a cash reward for its return.
Anyone with information about the stolen ATV is urged to contact the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office Detective Division at 919-989-5020.
Anyone check Bay Valley Rd.?
I haven’t checked did you see something there?
Have you seen anything on that rd?
Why offer a cash reward when eggs are so much more valuable?
i’m sure that reward money has got people talking.
Have you checked this guy?
Not insured?!? Whelp, I guess you’ll get insurance next time!
Johnston County fact #1
There are some low life out there i will keep my eye out for sure😡😡
There are some low life out there that wants to steal from others that worked so hard to have things.I will keep my eye open😡😡