Robinson Rallies NCGOP With Vision For Economic And Educational Change At State Convention

Source Carolina Journal

By Jacob Emmons
Carolina Journal

  • “I can tell you this, the campaign for governor run by Mark Robinson will be about the issues that all North Carolinians face,” declared Robinson to crowd applause, “We will highlight the success of the Republican Party while pointing out the failures of the Democrat Party.”
  • 58% of registered Republicans beleive North Carolina is on the “wrong track.”

North Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson headlined the NCGOP State Convention Saturday night with a powerful speech drawing stand ovations from the crowd of an estimated 1,000 party faithful.

“We should understand one premise of this business; We don’t work for the state of North Carolina. We work for the people of North Carolina,” Robinson told the group, promising to tackle kitchen table challenges if he is elected governor in November.

“It’s real simple, we fight for two things, change in two areas,” he told the crowd. “Number one, our economy, number two, our education system. Economies are built on pillars. Those pillars are public safety, public education, health care, infrastructure, and housing. If you don’t have those things, and those things aren’t healthy, your economy will not be healthy.”

May’s Carolina Journal poll of likely voters found that 58% of registered Republicans thought that North Carolina is on the “wrong track,” compared with 42% of registered Democrats and 52% of registered unaffiliated voters. The same poll found Robinson and his Democrat opponent Josh Stein tied at 39% with six months to go until the November election. Last week’s High Point University poll of registered voters had Robinson leading Stein 39% to 34%.

“North Carolina is literally on the cusp of exploding economically,” he said. “It is time to direct that explosion in the right way and cause this state to be something even better than it already is.”

Robinson also promised that, if he is elected governor, he will make big changes to the state’s school board. As lieutenant governor, Robinson has served on the board since taking office, but the governor appoints eleven of the thirteen members for eight-year, overlapping terms.

“Our state school board is wrong headed and headed in the wrong direction.” He added. “When I take office in January, I get to flip that board. Not upside down but right side up.”

“Our education system in North Carolina is in shambles.” He added. “This is not the fault of our school teachers. The way we treat the teachers in this nation and in this state is abysmal. It needs to be turned around. Quick, fast, and in a hurry.”

Robinson’s thirty minute speech was interrupted throughout by applause from the crowd of Republican delegates from each county. He ended with one final thundering ovation, fiercely declaring that, “We live in the greatest nation on earth and we live in the greatest state in the greatest nation on earth.”

Earlier in the day, businessman and former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy spoke at the First in Freedom Lunch, calling Robinson onstage and endorsing him for the next governor of North Carolina.

“I read about him in the pages of the New York Times, and I knew if they were coming after him, he must be doing something right,” said Ramaswamy.

The Republican candidates for the Council of State races also spoke at the convention, along with North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum.


  1. Our next governor! Let’s make history. The libs and progressives should be falling over themselves, as lovers of DEI, to get this man elected!

    • I liked DEI until Dale Jr. got run off, and they wouldn’t let him keep #8. Some crazy stuff went on there.

  2. Let’s go Mark Robinson! We need a governor who sees the problems in NC: the economy and the education hot mess. I retired from the public schools because of the chaos and broken education policies. I went to a Christian private school and I continue to pray for my colleagues every day in public schools. We do live in a great state but it has been long headed in the wrong direction, especially last eight years with Cooper as governor. May you continue to gain in the polls and let God lead you and your journey toward being our next Governor.

  3. May 25, 2024 at the NC GOP Convention:

    Robinson criticized teachers and other school officials who, he said, see themselves as “all-powerful bureaucrats who think they know more than you, know your children better than you, who believe it’s okay to feed your children a steady diet of communism and pornography.”

  4. the negative media coverage of Mark Robinson and his family has been very little which is quite surprising (or maybe not). This man has previously filed not just one, not two, but THREE times for personal bankruptcy. Has a prior eviction with a judgment for past due rent against him which he still refuses to pay the landlord. Failure to pay taxes for years and years. Claims he’s “bad at math”. Then there’s his wife’s business Balanced Nutrition – which has been on the NC Office of State Budget & Management suspension of funding list since 2021 due to failure to submit reports and yet somehow has still been raking the money. From $111,628 in 2017 to $1,207,426 in 2020 and estimated to be over $2mil for 2023 forward – approximately 15% of which she gets to keep. However, DHHS requested an audit of her financials this year and suddenly she closes shop. Coincidence?? So before you make assumptions, do your homework. Nothing everything is a senseless witch hunt. Sometimes, where there’s smoke there truly is fire.

    • So ….. you just do your research on a particular group of people??
      Great job if correct. But we’re all humans and battle different obstacles and demons in life! Some have it made while most others struggle in life!
      I’m glad to see you have it made.

    • You are correct, he is not who he really is! He talks a good game but has not actually done a whole lot. He won’t truly address the key issues when pressed (election integrity, abortion, medical/health freedom, inflation). He’s all about the talking points with no action. I truly think he’s been bought by the establishment.

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