School Board Approves Personnel Contracts

SMITHFIELD – The Johnston County Board of Education approved several personnel recommendations from Superintendent Dr. Eric Bracy at their December 12 meeting:

Assistant Principal (Two Year Contract)

• Stefan Katsanos – Cleveland High School

• Larita Harris Webb – Corinth Holders High School

• Edgar Herrera Montoya – South Johnston High School

Assistant Principal (Interim through June 30, 2024)

• Melissa Butts – Corinth Holders Elementary

Central Administrator (Two Year Contract)

• Maureen Hanahue – Director of Talent Acquisition and Retention

Central Personnel

• Zachary Armstrong – Project Manager (Facilities, Design, and Construction)


• Joshua Woodard – HVAC Supervisor to HVAC Coordinator (Facility Services)


      • Interesting response. Rather than address the issue of exactly what a “director of talent acquisition “is you redirect with personal insults.

        • Uh, she’s in charge of acquiring and retaining talent with talent being a coomon synonym for an employee with a certain set of skills. Seemed pretty self-explanatory.

          • You are delusional, just delusional. You might want to check the number of positions currently open on the jcps web page. Looks like she’s not doing that good of a job at finding “talent”.

          • Richard, there are plenty of problems that make it difficult to acquire talent both nationally and locally. It’s not only a joco problem. I enjoyed teaching for JCPS but I moved to Wake County schools because the pay is better. Fortunately, talent was acquired to replace my position.

  1. Ms. Hanahue was principal of a successful elem school, Cleveland Elem. She retired 2 or so years ago. I consider her to be a person of character and a student centered educator. I assume she has made a decision to come out of retirement since she has been rehired to fill the full time human resources position of exec. director of talent acquistion and recruitment. The JCPS HR administrators are mostly former principals and I agree former principals have knowledge and skills needed to effectively lead the HR dept. I am somewhat shocked that this talent and retention position was not filled with a candidate that has a proven record of effectively carrying out a similar HR program. The best person may or may not be a former principal (and not a retired principal). The skills needed for this position are different than those needed for other HR admin positions such as a hiring director. Were there no highly qualified applicants with a proven record that would know the strategies for improving talent hiring and retention? Is it fair to the district and the students and Ms. Hanahue to put her in this position? She is a good person, was a good principal, but this position needs to be much more about meeting goals than coordinating who will go attend job fairs.

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