- Guilty on all charges
- Sentenced to active prison term
SMITHFIELD – Johnston County Board of Education member Ronald Johnson was convicted on all four charges, Friday afternoon.

Johnson had been on trial for two weeks charged with obstruction of justice and the willful failure to discharge duties.
Jurors deliberated for a little more than one hour Friday afternoon, returning the guilty verdicts just after 5:00pm.
Johnson was convicted of extorting DeVan Barbour IV of Benson, a former candidate for US House in 2022 by threatening to release an audio recording of defamatory allegations concerning Mr. Barbour weeks before a primary election in which Barbour was on the ballot.
Johnson was also convicted of failure to discharge his duties as a member of the Johnston County Board of Education, including recording a closed session of a school board meeting in violation of Board duties.
After the jury returned the guilty verdicts, Judge Joseph Crosswhite sentenced Johnson to serve an active prison term of 6 to 17 months, followed by 30 months probation. He was also ordered to surrender his law enforcement certification, pay court costs, and submit to a DNA test. Johnson was also ordered to have no contact with DeVan Barbour IV and Owen Phillips.
Judge Crosswhite stated that Johnson used his power to not only harm individuals, but families and children.
Johnston County District Attorney Susan Doyle referred the case to the Department of Justice’s Special Prosecutions Section, and Criminal Bureau Chief and Special Deputy Attorney General Boz Zellinger and Special Deputy Attorney General Arneatha James prosecuted the case.
“This defendant wreaked havoc on his community while he was a public official,” said Attorney General Jeff Jackson. “Again and again, he used his office for his own gain – that’s corruption, and it’s a crime. I’m grateful to the judge and the jury for making sure this man can’t keep breaking the law and hurting people. I thank the prosecutors in my office who work hard to hold public officials accountable, and I thank District Attorney Susan Doyle for her partnership on this case.”
“Special Deputy Attorneys General Boz Zellinger and Arneatha James did a tremendous job in prosecuting this very difficult case,” said Johnston County District Attorney Susan Doyle. “The Johnston County District Attorney’s Office is grateful for their hard work along with Johnston County District Attorney Investigator Richard Hoffman to finally put an end to the public corruption that the defendant has engaged in for many years. Johnston County is a safer place because of their dedication and commitment to public safety.”
Johnson was elected to the school board in 2016. He won re-election in 2020 and 2024. With today’s conviction, Mr. Johnson has been disqualified from serving in an elected office, and his seat on the school board is now considered vacant.
Johnson was fired from his job as a Smithfield police officer in October 2022.
This story has been updated
Dog gone no more RonJon entertainment
Ronald would never want to harm any child. This Judge is not correct in his determination.
Amen !! Ronald would never knowingly hurt anyone. They will see the day they wish he was on that board.
So what about the special needs children he tried to place out of their school because he was mad with their father? How on earth is that doing what’s best for students/children. These are facts outlined in the case and in Roland’s own worlds from recordings?
I agree. Not a big fan of Ronald and I actually went to school with him but I do know he would never hurt someone. He really cares about our youth
He’s a terrible narcissist. Just an awful human being.
Well that’s simply not true. My friend for over 15 years personally had him screw over his special needs child. Try again.
Turn out the lights, the parties over. It’s about time this Nut Case got what he deserved. Unfortunately now we will have to deal with endless at taxpayer expense. This whole issue is JoCo’s fault, you elected this idiot.
I didn’t elect that nimrod. I voted for Walker. Johnson has no credibility.
Rick Walker didn’t run against Johnson, Rick ran against Lyn Andrews.
The race was between Johnson and Sullivan. Now Jeff is getting shoed in. Recall Jeff flipped from a life long Dem to Republican AFTER the 2024 primary
I Am glad that Justice has been served this is great for all of our communities now let us see who his lunatic following backs next !!
Da*n every dog has his day.. one thing about North Carolina Leo or not u out of pocket u walking that line I respect our state to the fullest
Never would have thought RJ would sink this low . While he was at SMS as SRO officer he was a positive influence to many students and students looked to him for support. You never know when the mask will come off!
He took the mask off at a board meeting.
He went against the Smithfield machine/swamp and they made an example out of him. They’ll put a GOP Rino in his place I’m sure. One that’ll promise us change like all the rest have and do nothing. Same GOP that hasn’t delivered us a “true” conservative governor in 150yrs.
It all started when he went up against a local well known attorney for inappropriate behavior involving an employee of central office. This Attorney let Ronald know he could have his badge hanging on a wall at his house. Ronald went public anyway and paid a heavy price.
And the allegations against the well known attorney just disappeared. Funny how that happens to some. They all need to be reminded,,,,,what goes around comes around! EVERY TIME.
You do know Ronnie put her up to it right it was one of his gf’s who accused the person.
This is exactly what happened.
Delusional much?
Not at all. Some people know the whole truth. This was the top of the iceberg. They NEEDED him gone. This was a calculated attack. So many people have done so much worse without an eyebrow being lifted.
So others are responsible for what he was arrested for and convicted of.
Please make that make sense.
Who made him have 3 affairs with women besides his wife.
Who make him extort Devan Barbour
Who made him illegally record School Board meetings.
Please explain.
The N&O had some of the testimony that was said – from those involved. Mind blowing what RJ asked his girlfriend to do and say. Not a good look at all for him. I kept an open mind until I read the testimony. Jury got it right. The repubs are NOT the party of family values..not local, state or Federal. They got some people to be scared of “other people” and while there is all this us against them – they are dismantling this country and Constitution and filling their pockets. These loyalists to party over country – like many on here – are just as bad.
The Repubs? as if the gender castrating left is any better while promoting pornography in schools and sex change for children. One man’s actions do not define a group of people. However, the democrap party clearly flaunt their perversions in public and should never be around our schools or children.
Exactly 100 percent spot on. You either keep your mouth shut and tow that corrupt and criminal line or we will destroy you. That exactly what happened here. RJ exposed the corruption and criminality and they destroyed him.
Johnston County is no better than NY. Especially if you expose the school board.
What corruption and criminality guided him to have 3 affairs and extort a political candidate?
Arte you seriously trying to allege that Ronald Johnson didn’t do his crimes? He didn’t extort people? He did!
Buh bye!
DNA? What?
§ 15A‑266.4 (b) DNA sample is required on all felony convictions.
Reagan was a conservative and the best president in my lifetime you need to check your history
Ronald Reagan would be LAUGHED out of today’s Republican Party. He supported amnesty for undocumented immigrants and routinely compromised with Democrats to keep the government running. But he did convince y’all supply side economics would help the working man and look at how that’s worked out.
While reading the negative and sometimes personal insults, one can’t help but wonder how we got to this point as a society. I can remember a time when adults were mature and respectful with an abundance of common sense. We could call it right down the middle based on facts while not making it personal. In this instance, we can conclude there was enough evidence to support the outcome. As for the school board this man was on the right side. If he had sat there and voted with the club while turning a blind eye to backroom politics, none of this would have ever happened to him.
So others on the school board pushed him into affairs with 3 women while married.
Others pushed him to extort a family man running for Congress.
Please explain how you can blame others for the actions of this man
Sickening how they go after one while the real crooks are getting by with murder, pinning crimes, allowing trafficking, stealing donations from the missing and the list goes on. So much more corruption in Sinfield than RJ.
Are you saying he didnt do the things he was convicted of?
Is this really someone you want on the school board.
Please share what other information you have about other school board members so if necessary, the police can speak with them.
Just because your boy did illegal stuff doesnt mean others do it.
percent spot on fact
He is the real crook. Even worse, he abused a position of power, and the students of Johnston County, to further his corrupt agenda.
“Go after real criminals”: Extortion is a real crime. Mr. Johnson’s behavior should be no surprise to anyone who has followed his shenanigans with the school board the last several years. Good riddance!
Baby Trump got his felony conviction, too.
Now, get him off the board.
I have always enjoyed him, he had a back bone, I trust him more than our judicial system. He stood up to all the dumbocrats on the school board.
The school board is comprised of Republicans. Go have a look.
No it’s comprised of democrats who pretend to be republican to get elected!
So. Do you have information others have committed crimes?
Have you informed the authorities.
What are you saying?
Lots of innocent people get convicted
You think this Nut Job is innocent?
Without Jesus of Nazareth, without saving grace, Pride a byproduct of fear, can and will lead us all down a personal path of destruction. All of us!
He and Braswell can share a cell! Now let’s put all the other corrupt players in there too! The entire board needs to be there, along with the one who got away with being paid by us taxpayers to be on the school board even when she was no longer a joco resident. She and those who allowed that need to be behind bars.
He stood his ground to the end. The end.
Well, it’s the end now. That’s for sure.
Oh look now they get to appoint whomever they want, voters don’t get a say anymore. Same with the commissioners. We can do better! It should go to a special election whenever a seat opens.
Just like the Democrats.
Actually that’s a gop thing. They changed the laws after McCoy lost and when Robinson lost. So try again
Dems installed a candidate. Did not receive one primary vote.
The RonJon show had finally ended. Bye, Felicia! #VoteOutIncumbents
I always that Johnston county wouldn’t stoop to the low levels it has. Guess I was wrong. The same corruption and criminality is alive and present here and I’m not referring to Ronald Johnson.
Oh by the way we’re did that so called 8 million dollars go.
Travesty of justice
Exactly what it is. Yet the corrupt and criminal ones goes Scott free
Who are you referring to?
Who and what did they get away with
Which elected official is next to be brought down? More to follow?
So far, the local GOP is 2 for 2 with convicted candidates.
I’m glad to see Mr. Johnson held accountable for his actions and removed from the school board. Gone are the days of him bringing in outside instigators to harass and intimidate school board members. Gone are the days of his derogatory and belittling nicknames for his school board opponents. Gone are the days of his impatient disruptions and incoherent rants. Gone are the days of his back room shenanigans of trying strong-arm other members by inventing scandal (not unlike this very extortion case.) Hopefully also gone are the days of his dangerous driving with a mouth wrapped around his Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson’s tactics were anathema to our democratic process. Johnson County is a better place with him gone! I say good riddance!
I love how those defending him are blaming others for Ronald’s actions, sounds so familiar with similar extortion trials. Did someone else press a principal to deny special needs children placement all because he was “mad” at the students father, a former colleague. There are recordings of him doing this. Those are facts. That’s the lowest of the low and I hope he finds this threesome he is looking for in jail.
This all day long. Unbelievable. RJ was a crooked cop going back 15 years. It’s crazy it took thing long to catch up with him.
What was on the audio recording concerning Barbour ?
RonJon’s girlfriend RJ wanted her to get with Barbour and film it. Instead she accused Barbour of calling her unclothed on FaceTime..
Absolutely shameful that people voted for this corrupt man. Beyond shameful that there are people who would still vote for him and who even now try to justify his criminal behavior.
Conservative Christian, Right Wing Republican, Straight White American Males
It comes down to the ” Good Ole Boys Club ” ! If you are liked you will fit in.
It’s a Southern Thang. Go git ya biscuit with jelly.
What are you saying? Do you know of other crimes committed?
You should alert the authorities.
Well at least when he gets out he can still qualify to be president of these United States. PRESIDENT RON JOHNSON
Better than the hacks propping up Dementia Joe
Remember, a jury of Johnston Co. citizens is the trier of facts. They evaluated evidence, assessed credibility of witnesses, weighed the evidence, and decided the verdict – gulity on all counts. This is exactly how our justice system should work. RJ had his days in court. He was provided with a fair and public trial.
I remember a time when people had better things to do than take a comfortable quiet place and turn it into a political nightmare. But just like the rules of plumbing, gravity works.
Witch hunt from the beginning. He should have known the couldn’t do this alone. A man’s life and livelihood has been destroyed for what???? People need to take their blinders off and protect their own glasshouses. Not saying he was innocent or guilty but he should have been more careful who he trusted.
For 3 affairs while on the job
For extortion
For lying and lying.
Did you not read the search warrant or the public transcripts of the trial.
He brought himself down and made up stuff in his position of power to hurt others.
Trust huh? Which one of his 3 gf’s should he not have trusted. Or should he have not trusted his wife?
Which one.