Stacy Holloman’s third grade students at Micro-Pine Level Elementary were given the opportunity to experience science and math in action during a special visit from a local pharmaceutical representative.
Jason Atkinson, from Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals located in Raleigh made science and math come alive for these students. Mallinckrodt manufactures contrast media used in diagnostic imaging tests. The students simulated manufacturing processes such as formulation, filling, packaging, warehousing, and analytical testing. They even learned how an imaging agent is applied by a nurse to a patient using medical devices.
Atkinson also explained how each person on a production line plays a vital role in the process of getting medicine from a formula on paper to a product to administer to a patient.
Head to toe protective wear was provided for each child during the simulation of making medicine.
“I learned teamwork is important because one mess-up could cause damage to everyone else’s work on the product,” said third grader Paige Witman “I am very thankful Mr. Atkinson came to teach us about his job.”