Shots Fired During Robbery At Domino’s Pizza

CLAYTON – Clayton Police are looking for a gunman who fired shots during a robbery at Domino’s Pizza, located at 10441 US Highway 70 Business West.

Police responded to the business at 7:08pm Thursday for a reported armed robbery in progress.

Police arrived quickly but the suspect had just fled the scene in a silver vehicle. Surveillance footage captured the unknown robber, a black male wearing dark colored clothing over a white shirt with white and black athletic shoes, a face covering, and latex gloves.

The suspect was armed with a dark colored handgun. He fired one shot in the air as he entered the store and went behind the counter and grabbed an unknown amount of cash. The suspect fired a second shot in the air as he took the manager’s cell phone. The cell phone was later found a few miles away on the side of the road.

No injuries were reported.

Police Chief Greg Tart said the case remains under investigation. If anyone has any information concerning the September 19 armed robbery of Domino’s Pizza, please contact Clayton Police at 919-553-4611 or the Crime Tip Line at 919-553-1555. Callers may remain anonymous.


  1. Who the heck robs a dominos pizza? Is a couple hundred bucks really worth spending years in prison? Not to mention how badly it could have gone if a customer had of been carrying and decided to try to stop you and potentially ended your life over a couple hundred dollars? Makes no sense to me. But then again, I would never commit armed robbery.

  2. Seems to me citizens are paying a lot to the town and the town is not protecting the citizens very well. The officers are too busy hiding in the bushes waiting to catch a speeder when the crime rate is soaring up. Clayton seems to think they are a desired town to live in but rent/ mortgages are through the roof. It’s cheaper to live in Raleigh than it is in Clayton now.. I also heard people say well taxes aren’t high, well check your light/water/sewer bills. Clayton has to make the money up somehow…..

  3. Concerned Citizen, You are EXACTLY correct about hiding to catch Speeders!! Their top priority! Every Morning as you leave Clayton on US 70

    • I am pro police most of the time, but when safety is thrown on the back burner for a speeder I have concerns. If you want to play Highway Patrol, maybe they should suit up and drive the black and silver. Otherwise they should focus on rising crime rates and homeless population that is all over the city.

  4. @concerned citizen and patriot, what about the other crimes that Clayton PD has solved? Look at crime all around other areas and then look back at Clayton. It’s a lot safer than surrounding areas and the police department is one of the reasons why. They can’t be everywhere all the time. I talked to a CPD officer recently and asked about the traffic enforcement on 70. He said that the majority of the time it’s a traffic unit whose focus is on traffic enforcement. So yeah, that is a priority for the traffic unit. He also said that they’ve caught speeders in excess of 80 in the 45 and 50 mph zones and had several major wrecks along 70 where speed was a factor.

    • You are not correct there are more than just the traffic unit, which technically doesn’t even exist anymore. There is one K9 Sgt. and one other Officer on the “traffic team” and if you notice it’s not them always running radar. As someone who has inside and outside information of the police department I can 100% say without a shadow of a doubt that you are wrong. They truly focus on traffic, traffic, traffic. They even have competitions to see who can write the most tickets in a shift… That doesn’t seem like it’s focusing on the other crimes to me… Far as being everywhere all the time, I agree but hiding in bushes and not patrolling the neighborhoods for car break-ins and business break-ins seems like a lack of priority. Plus since you mentioned other areas, look at the salaries of these officers. They get paid way more than most of the surrounding areas and do less real crime fighting.

  5. Actually, you are incorrect. They have a K9 Traffic Sgt., and two traffic officers. One has yet to fully move over to traffic. With the growth of the agency, and building up new units (traffic unit being one of those), They will add more officers as they are able to. Nice try though thinking that you are more informed than someone else. There are officers who focus a lot on traffic, which is an important part of the job. There are officers who focus more on domestic violence, parks/trails, undercover investigations, frauds, etc. Just because you see officers doing traffic enforcement doesn’t mean that is all they do. I see officers in my neighborhood all the time. You act like you are in every neighborhood and around every business all the time. Just throwing non-factual information out there is ridiculous. They have caught several people in the act of committing crimes. Sometimes it’s reported by the media and sometimes it isn’t. I witnessed a guy get arrested on Main St. for breaking into a business at night. The officer was patrolling and saw him. The officer took quick action and arrested him. It never made the news.

    For my job I am extremely mobile in the Clayton area. I can tell you that I see the officers at times and at times I don’t. It’s the same with any agency anywhere in the world.

    As for the salaries, you are wrong again. Look at the salaries of Smithfield, Knightdale, Garner, Wake Forest, and the Sheriff’s Office. They have caught Clayton and surpassed them in certain areas with salaries. Maybe you are actually an officer at one of these other agencies trying to throw shade… It didn’t work… Your “inside information” implies that you have a friend or family member working for Clayton PD. If that was the case you would know all of this, but the friend or family member would be including themselves in speaking about Clayton officers not doing anything and making more money than everyone else. That doesn’t even make sense.,

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