Smithfield-Selma High added seven students to the Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society at the program’s inaugural induction.
Rho Kappa is a social studies honor society sponsored by the National Council for the Social Studies, which includes history, politics, economics, sociology and other subjects in the humanities. Smithfield-Selma High is the only school in Johnston County with a Rhos Kappa chapter.
The Smithfield-Selma High inductees were junior Daniel Barton, junior Genevieve Brindle, senior Brittney Caporale, junior Sarah Duncan, junior Brandon Hammon, junior Hampton Moore, and junior Jessica Wojcik.
“I am proud to advise the Sparta Nation chapter of Rho Kappa,” said Rho Kappa adviser and social studies teacher Lauren Casteen. “Although we have other opportunities to recognize academic excellence, such as NHS, French Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta, I believe it is important to recognize the students who thrive in the rich variety of social studies courses we offer at our school.”
Criteria for selection includes meeting the required grades in social studies courses and an ability to talk about complex humanities-related topics.
Once selected, students are expected to uphold the Rho Kappa values of truth, knowledge, wisdom, and service.
“I am extremely proud of Ms. Casteen and the inaugural Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society students. The Humanities are an integral part of the curricula at Smithfield-Selma High,” said Principal David Allen. “Courses like history and politics, psychology, economics, and geography continue to shape the mindset of the next generation.”
The Smithfield-Selma High chapter of Rho Kappa will select officers at their first meeting. The inductees plan to offer social studies tutoring for the remainder of the school year.
“Rho Kappa students’ pledge a commitment to truth, knowledge, wisdom, and service. This demonstrates their willingness to approach the world with greater critical thinking skills and contextual knowledge,” said Allen. “I feel good knowing that our students will be able to have intelligent conversations about what is going on in and around them.”
Rho Kappa is planning to work on projects to compete against Rho Kappa chapters from other high schools at the local and regional level in the spring.
“The induction ceremony was really nice, and I consider it an honor to be in the first Rho Kappa chapter the school has had,” said Wojcik. “I look forward to what we’re going to do in the future.”
The next round of Rho Kappa inductions at Smithfield-Selma High will be in the spring.