Town Council Approves Employee Pay Study

SMITHFIELD – Approximately 70 Smithfield town employees will receive higher salaries next year.

Tuesday night, the town council unanimously approved an Employee Pay Study recommendation to increase their salaries effective January 6, 2025.

Town Manager Mike Scott said the 70 positions exist across several departments, with the exception of sworn police officers who received a $10,000 increase at the end of the last fiscal year.

For example, a Fire Fighter I employee now making $20.16 an hour will increase to $23.12 hour in January. A Public Works Equipment Operator will see their pay increase from $19.09 to $21.21 an hour. A Water Plant Chemist position will go from $29.86 to $31.53 per hour.

Mr. Scott said department heads were not evaluated in the pay study, so they will not see any change due to the market analysis.

Councilman Travis Scott believes the higher salaries will help with hiring and employee retention.