Town Moving Forward With $2.3 Million Multi-Use Path

NCDOT Grant Will Pay For 80 Percent Of Project

SMITHFIELD – The Town of Smithfield has been awarded a $1,875,520 grant to pay for a new multi-use path. The path will be constructed beside US 70 Business, from the Neuse River Bridge (at Front Street) to Wilson’s Mills Road, to help with pedestrian traffic and safety.

The total project is projected to cost $2,344,400. The Town of Smithfield will be required to pay for 20 percent, equal to $468,800. The town’s matching portion of the grant is already included in the current budget.

On Nov. 12, the council voted 6-0 to accept the grant. Work will now begin on the design and permitting phase of the project.

When the grant was first discussed more than a year ago some elected official expressed concern about the cost of the project, saying town funds could be better spent to address more pressing infrastructure needs.


  1. I seem to remember someone getting hit by a car in that area. This would hopefully give a pedestrians a safe way to walk in that area.

  2. Why would anyone vote to spend this amount of money for a pedestrian walkway. I thought the new bridge already had a walkway on it. I vote no…

  3. Sorry folks but I see no need for a pedestrian walk way there. Is it going to be on the side where the bar & Tattoo parlor is OR on the side with empty buildings, Whitley’s & a gas station? I travel thru there a lot & very rarely see anyone walking beside the road. There are so many ways that money could have been used in a more useful environment.

    • Here! Here! Angelia Johnson, well said! Just another example of poor use of funds by Town of Smithfield! Just glad the funding is not coming out of the towns Utility’s budget; we might miss out on some other petty project!

    • Wilson’s Mills Rd intersects with business 70 in Smithfield where the old Kmart was. The road runs all the way to the town of Wilson’s Mill.

    • Wilsons Mills Rd intersects 70 business less than a mile northwest of the Neuse bridge on 70 business. That would make this little “path” over $500 per foot.

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