Benson Hires New Assistant Town Manager

The Town of Benson has hired Calla Godwin as its new Assistant Town Manager.


As Assistant Town Manager she will aid Town Manager Kim Pickett in the day-to-day operations of a growing town. A large portion of her duties will include overseeing Benson’s essential services including public works, electric, water, sewer, and first responders.

Godwin is no stranger to the Town in of Benson as she was a former Customer Service Representative for the town in 2014. More recently she was an Administrator for Harnett County Emergency Services for nearly 10 years. There she learned the interworking of local government and the complexities therein. “It was a great experience that I am forever grateful for.” she explained. “My time in Harnett County was invaluable, but it is nice to be home.”

“You know, you don’t grow up thinking, ‘I’m going to be good at local government administration, that’s what I’m going for, but it’s where my strengths lie,’ said Godwin, with a laugh. “I love being able to fight for the employees and the Town in a way that gives them the opportunity to succeed.”

“It’s a new position,” she continued, “so, we’re working out the details daily. These departments are the unseen heroes that keep the town running. Without them, the town ceases to function. Your employees are your backbone, and if you can mentor and support them, you really have no choice but to flourish.”

Originally from Raleigh, Godwin graduated from East Carolina University in 2010 with a degree in Public Relations. She also met her future husband— Kevin Godwin, a Benson firefighter — during that time, and that relationship led her to Benson to start her married life.

After living in Benson for 13 years, Godwin saw the opportunity to return to her home and help her community grow.

“My parents moved to Benson last year after 32 years in downtown Raleigh, my children go to school here. This is where my whole life is. Why would I not want to build something better for my children and our community. It is a very exciting time to be in Benson.”

As she continues to settle in to her new position, Godwin said she’s looking forward to playing a part in Benson’s growth. “I’m excited about stepping in to help the town as a whole in a way that there just hasn’t been the capability or personnel to do in the past,” she said.

“I’m looking forward to putting boots on the ground with these ladies and gentlemen — because if I don’t know what they do everyday, I can’t help them. I don’t need to be a subject matter expert, but I do want to get in and know what they do and know how this town is running. Then we can have conversations about how they see the town moving forward and what I can do to help them with that and ease their workload in that.”

Godwin will soon be a familiar face around Benson — at Commissioners meetings, town events, local festivals, and everything in-between. Be sure to say hello when you see her!


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