CLAYTON – The Town of Clayton officially began construction of the town’s new $200 million water reclamation facility.
“This is the largest capital project that our town has ever undertaken,” said Interim Town of Clayton Manager Rich Cappola.
The Town marked the launch of the new facility with a groundbreaking ceremony on Feb. 8. Joining in the commemoration were several dignitaries that have been instrumental in helping Clayton acquire the funding necessary for the project, including NC State Treasurer Dale Folwell, NC Representative Donna White, and NC Senator Lisa Barnes.
According to Folwell, it took a lot of people working together to get the project to where it is today.
“We have stuck to our mission of figuring out what’s right, getting it right, and keeping it right, not just for the citizens of Clayton but also for the citizens of Johnston County,” said Folwell.
The construction of the new Sam’s Branch Water Reclamation Facility is a priority for the town. The existing town facility was constructed in the 1960s and is nearing its end of usefulness.
According to Louis Duffie, Town of Clayton Project Manager, the primary design builder for the facility is Gannett Fleming. They will be constructing the project using a phased approach. Phase 1 of the facility will have a capacity of 6 MGD (million gallons per day) with an eventual build out of 10 MGD in Phase 2. The project is expected to be completed by late 2024.
“The new Sam’s Branch Water Reclamation Facility will meet the needs of our local businesses and growing community, said Cappola. “It will also be better for the environment and fitted with more modern processes and equipment.”
Town of Clayton Mayor Jody McLeod praised everyone in attendance for the support they have shown the town with the project,
“I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to be a mayor of a municipality for 19 years and have the kind of support that we have received,” said McLeod. “We are so blessed.”

Not one real-estate developer paid any monies for this. All the money will come from Clayton citizens. The real-estate developers got paid off the backs of the locals.
Yes exactly, the taxpayers of Clayton will be paying for this plant all the while the developers are getting rich and not paying their fair share. Plus yuck, reclaiming sewage. Too bad Clayton burned through all their natural resources instead of planning for the future. Irresponsible.
Developers are ruining Johnston County…we HAVE to get these money hungry, developing loving people out of office before we become another Wake county!
Or money from the feds, that no doubt have strings attached. Where are the gonads of the legislators to refuse money from DC?
If anyone would like to sale and leave Johnston County call Me, Ron Earp. For those of You dissatisfied (not content or happy) You have an option. Everyone dislikes something but one thing for sure; You people moving in need to stop trying to change everything. We did just fine before You all came!!