Town Of Smithfield Condemns Death Of George Floyd

Commits To Hiring More Minority Police Officers

SMITHFIELD – Members of the Smithfield Town Council adopted a resolution this week condemning the death of George Floyd and calling for needed change.

Mayor Andy Moore read the resolution which stated, “George Floyd was senselessly killed in Minneapolis, Minnesota while in Police custody. The Town of Smithfield recognizes the deep anguish this tragedy has caused in our community and the country, particularly among African Americans. George Floyd’s death is the latest example of the racism that exists in our society.”

“The Town of Smithfield supports the right of people to peaceably protest this tragedy and call for needed change. Racial diversity is historically woven into the fabric of the Town of Smithfield yet we know much more can and must be done to make the Town of Smithfield a more inclusive community to ensure it is a place where racism does not exist in any place.”

“We much reach out, listen and learn from each other so we can identify where change can be made and how we can make it.”

Smithfield Mayor Andy Moore reads a resolution condemning the death of George Floyd during the July 7, 2020 meeting of the Smithfield Town Council. Johnston County Report Photo

“The Smithfield Police Department has and continues to actively support efforts to resist racism and will work with residents to further improve police policies and practices.”

“The Town Council condemns the murder of George Floyd.  The Town Council supports the right of people to peaceably protest.”

“The Town Council commits itself and the Town to be deliberate and intentional in its efforts to engage the community in constructive, honest and substantial dialogue to better understand where racism exists and to adopt policies to abolish it. These actions must be concrete and intended to bring about real change and will consistently measure our success or failure to bring it about.”

“The Town Council commits that the Smithfield Police Department will continue its efforts to resist racism, promote policies to hire more African American and minority officers and continue with best practices related to eliminating racial profiling and supporting other initiatives intended to eliminate racial bias and excessive force in policing.”

“The Town Council is committed to a safe and healthy environment where all its citizens, visitors and employees can thrive,” the resolution stated.

Councilman Roger Wood made the motion to adopt the resolution, which was seconded by Councilman David Stevens.  The council voted 6-to-0 to adopt the resolution.  (Councilman Travis Scott was not in attendance of the July 7th meeting.)

Marlon Lee, the only African American on the Smithfield Town Council said afterwards he was glad the Council adopted the resolution but more is needed that just words. “It’s one thing to say it. Let’s put it in action. Let’s be about movement and change.  Don’t just talk about it, let’s don’t use his death in vain. I am going to be a constant reminder of what was said. Just don’t do it to say we’re doing something. Let’s do something and be a part of change. I will do my part to help facilitate. It takes everybody.”