SELMA – Selma Police have announced the arrests of two juveniles in connection to a weekend drive-by shooting.
Police Sgt. Justin Vause said the juveniles were arrested Jan. 7 and charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious bodily injury, discharging a firearm into an occupied dwelling, and discharging a firearm from a vehicle.
On January 4, the juveniles reportedly opened fire towards a home in the 1100 block of W. Waddell Street striking a 16 year-old male victim.

The victim was rushed to WakeMed with serious but non-life threatening injuries. We’ve learned the victim is now out of the hospital but will require additional medical treatment.
The two suspects, both under age 18, are being held in a juvenile detention center.
Sgt. Vause said the shooting was the result of an ongoing feud between two groups of people.
On going feud between two groups….code for Gang related. Time to start naming juveniles.
” two groups of people…”
I’d this what we are calling gangs these days?
I know the police are having trouble with certain juveniles in Selma . They keep arresting them but since they’re juvenile delinquents they keep getting released.
The legal system needs a overhaul for sure.
Until the parents are held responsible for their juvenile children, things won’t change.
You have to know who the fathers are in order to hold them responsible.
@Yea: The father (and mother) is listed on the birth certificate. It’s not that hard. #UseCommonSense
Unconstitutional. Try again
lol if it was gang related they would’ve said gang related people Selma police has never had a problem with saying that it was racial and that’s why they had to say two groups of people smh I like how people dodge the real problem in selma
Which in your expert opinion is what?
Who said anything about race? Race was never mentioned in the article OR by anyone posting. You seem racist.
Sounds like they should not only be charged as adults, but should also be charged with attempted murder. At 16 we all know that it is wrong to shoot at a house, into a house, at another human being, etc. 16 year old should not have unsupervised access to a gun.
that was gang related a group of teens
lol we all know what side of the fence your on Mr lang smh *** and a group of teens equals gang related what world are we living in gangs are bloods and crips and Latin kings lol a group of teens equals gang omg so a group of cops are a gang or a group of church goers are a gang what has happened to the education system in joco