Johnston County voters elected three new members to the Johnston County school board Tuesday. Terry Tippett, Kevin Donovan and Michelle Antoine were elected to four year terms.
Tippett led the ticket with 36,542 votes (21.99%), Donovan came in second with 30,420 votes (18.28%), and Antoine secured the third seat with 29,667 votes (17.85%).
The three top vote-getters replace Chairman Todd Sutton and Vice Chair Terri Sessoms who did not seek reelection. Al Byrd, who was appointed in 2021 to fill out the unexpired term of Tracie Zukowski, was defeated in the May 2022 Primary and that seat was open.
Unsuccessful in their bid for school board were Melissa Bowers who finished in fourth with 23,884 votes (14.37%), Rick Mercier in fifth place with 22,324 votes (13.43%), and Mark Lane in sixth place with 22,108 votes (13.28%).
There were 1,329 write-in ballots (0.80%) cast for the school board, in unofficial returns.
Just remember Mr. Tippett how you felt when Todd Sutton and his band of evil doer’s Mike Wooten, $180-K-Carroll and the legendary Ma Andrews denied your rightful appointment. The Johnston County School Board has flipped from the democrat evil baby killing machine to what we hope is protecting our children? Folks watch the movie Bad Education and replace some of our liberal progressive liberal school board members the likes of Mike Wooten, $180-K-Carroll and Ma Andrews to replace the characters in the movie and open your minds?
Lol!!!! Funny stuff. Stay off the meth
Making fun of drug addiction isn’t funny. Many people have died from meth, ruined families from meth. On top of which the crime associated with drug use is astronomical. I guess since you are pro crime you are a sick twisted democrat.
I’m not a democrat and Terry talking that baby killing mess is stupid Terry has to be on something
Yes you are, you are just too much of a coward to admit it. Typical though.
Hooray! FINALLY!! Maybe now we will see improvements in how our hard-earned tax dollars are spent at JCPS. This MUST BE an improvement in leadership… for our children and our future!
Yes. Let’s concentrate on education, not empire. Reward those who are effective, fire those who are not.
THANK YOU DEAR LORD! Now lets get to work
I am totally watching this movie! It looks like Johnston County!
I think too many people are too optimistic about three new board members. They are board members and not miracle workers.
R.S. I totally 100% agree with you! These children of God are walking into a world they think they know? They are not realizing that their spouse, children and even the most mink of the earth, thier beloved pets are now targeted to suffer so they will conform and surrender. Our miracle workers are sure to betray us voters just the minute Mike Wooten, $180-K- Carroll and Ma Andrews reassures them they are ready to welcome them and work with them? These three realize not what they have done?
Fake news