Benson Resident Falls Victim To Scam

BENSON – A 27 year-old Benson resident recently fell victim to a scam. The woman said she received a phone call March 31 from a person claiming to be Sgt. Tillson with the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office.

The caller claimed they were attempting to resolve a legal matter involving the victim. They claimed the victim failed to pay for two citations in Johnston County and needed to send a payment through a prepaid card to clear up the legal matter.

Not realizing at the time it was a scam, the victim obtained $3,988.99 in prepaid cards and provided the numbers to the caller. The victim told authorities the caller sounded like a legitimate law enforcement officer and even provided her personal address and date of birth.


  1. You can’t blame this one on the victim being older than Methuselah can you? Don’t you love these out of the country con-artists that are probably now making thier way across our southern border bringing highly deceptive skills here to make our USA a more diverse and highly street educated country. Only the republicans could say we are not getting the best and brightest immigrating here?

    • No. We can blame it on the victim for not having the common sense that you don’t pay outstanding citations with gift cards.

      Come on, people.

  2. Too much of our personal information is on the internet. Easy data access for criminals.

    This story just seems a bit “odd” to me though. Anyone else find it strange that a 27 year old would believe they have UNKNOWN citations AND believe the amount of the tickets AND believe they have to get pre-paid cards AND have cash or credit to purchase roughly $4,000 in pre-paid cards?

    • I couldn’t pull that kind of money together unless I went and got a loan from the bank. And I make a decent wage.

  3. A fool and his money…

    If you think any government agency or private business is going to ask you to pat in gift cards, Apple cards, Amazon cards, or anything else, you get what you deserve. This country is getting dumber ever day! #BeResponsible #WakeUpAmerica

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