Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Democrats Threw Away Their Shot

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — North Carolina Democrats thought the stars had finally aligned for smashing victories in 2020. A controversial Republican president was at the...

Opinion: Politics Should Be Less Important

By John Hood RALEIGH — It might sound odd to hear this from someone who’s been writing a syndicated column on politics for nearly...

Meet Clayton’s Newest K-9 Team

Officer Victoria Lee became known around Clayton as the singing cop this past October after a video of her singing a duet with a...

Polls Underestimate GOP Support

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — Just before the 2020 elections, the RealClearPolitics.com polling average had Joe Biden leading Donald Trump nationwide by 7.2 percentage points....

A Delayed Resignation: Johnston County Has A Continued Out Of Control, Lawless Board Of...

By: Michelle Antoine The resignation of Johnston County Board of Education (JCBOE) member Tracie Zukowski came as a surprise to some County residents this past...

Opinion: Campuses Will Try To Keep Discriminating

By John Hood RALEIGH — Later this year, the U.S. Supreme Court will finally compel the University of North Carolina and the rest of...

Statement From Citizen Advocates For Accountable Government Regarding Board Of Education Audio Recording Of...

By Dale Lands and John Saluppo CAAG Founders The purpose and mission of Citizen Advocates for Accountable Government (CAAG) is to hold...

Parity Extends Down The Ballot

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — In 2020, North Carolina Republicans and Democrats took their respective cases to the public. Each party asked voters to put...

You Decide: Will 2022 Be A Boom, Bust Or In-Between?

By Mike Walden Although all the final numbers aren’t in, it appears North Carolina experienced a very good economy in 2021. The rebound from...

You Decide: If Inflation Subsides, Will Everything Be OK?

By Mike Walden I came to Raleigh and joined the North Carolina State University faculty in 1978. Then, manufacturing dominated the North Carolina economy....