You Decide: Did One-Third Of The Economy Disappear?
By Dr. Mike Walden
The headlines were eye-popping. “Economy shrinks by one-third”. “All economic growth from the last five-years wiped-out”. “Worse than the Great Depression...
Marxism Remains A Dangerous Idea
RALEIGH — Marxism is one of the most catastrophic ideas in history. Tyrants and butchers inspired by the noxious notions of Karl...
The Reality Of A “Post COVID” World In Education
Op Ed By: Dr. Chuck Williams
As schools across the country rightly focus on getting students, teachers and staff back to school safely in the...
Summer Polls Are Flawed Predictors
RALEIGH — In this year that sometimes feels like a decade, North Carolinians have yet to cast a single general-election ballot for...
Pols Can’t Be Daydream Believers
RALEIGH — North Carolina’s state and local governments will likely overspend their projected revenue this year by billions of dollars. So far,...
Governor Op-Ed: Even In A Pandemic, North Carolina Is Prepared For Hurricane Season
Op-Ed By NC Governor Roy Cooper
North Carolina has seen more than its fair share of devastating storms, particularly in the past few years. When...
Carolinian Led Women Into Medicine
RALEIGH — Excluding people based on their race, sex, or other characteristics doesn’t just keep those individuals from pursuing their dreams. And...
You Decide: Is It Really 2030?
By Dr. Mike Walden
The calendar says 2020, but some say it’s really 2030. Huh? Did we suddenly lose a decade? I, for one, certainly hope...
The Impending Creep Of Unionization Into North Carolina
By: Becki Gray
In February 2019, after months of negotiation, Western North Carolina’s Mission Hospital was sold to HCA Healthcare, the nation’s largest for-profit hospital...
Homicides Spiking In Carolina Cities
RALEIGH — As if the COVID crisis and economic recession weren’t bad enough, here’s some more bad news to process: homicide rates...