Tuesday, July 16, 2024

You Decide: What Do Interest Rates Tell Us?

By Mike Walden We have a love-hate relationship with interest rates, especially in terms of their level. Investors in interest-paying investments like CDs (certificates...

You Decide: How Will The Hospitality Industry Change?

By Mike Walden The North Carolina hospitality industry, primarily composed of restaurants and hotels, is a multi-billion-dollar sector in the state. As a percent...

Op-Ed: Make Every Week Teacher Appreciation Week By Paying North Carolina Teachers More

By Governor Roy Cooper North Carolina’s amazing educators are preparing the future workforce of our state every day. It’s past time we treat them...

You Decide: Where’s The Job Market Headed?

By Mike Walden Jobs are a crucial part – some would say “the” crucial part — of the economy. People take jobs to earn money....

When Shorthand Gets It Wrong

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — If the Republican Party were only the party of white men, it would never win an election. When discussing electoral matters,...

You Decide: Will 2022 Be A Boom, Bust Or In-Between?

By Mike Walden Although all the final numbers aren’t in, it appears North Carolina experienced a very good economy in 2021. The rebound from...

Opinion: No Silver Bullet For School Woes

By John Hood RALEIGH — Because of the tremendous benefits conferred by better education, it would be great if policymakers knew precisely what silver...

States Can Limit Regulatory Damage

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — Shortly after taking office, President Joe Biden began revving up the federal government’s regulatory engine. He’s already run over the...