Clayton High Roof Repairs To Cost $792,000

CLAYTON – Repairs to old gymnasium roof and the replacement of the canopy at the main building at Clayton High School will cost $792,000. The Johnston County School Board approved a bid for the replacement project during their June meeting.

The old gym roof will be replaced. The old chimney will be removed and the canopy at the main building will also be replaced.

Four bids were received for the project ranging from $792,000 to $1,269.347. A contingency of $50,000 was also approved to cover any unforeseen issues during construction.


  1. Dang it sure is expensive to turn out kids that has been indoctrinated and can’t read or write? But at least they believe in climate change and support gender nutral cultural!!!

    • What kind of nonsense can someone read that would cause them to write such an absurd comment? It’s kind of amusing that you complain about kids that can’t read or write while making multiple spelling mistakes. You typed this on an electronic device, so surely you have some form of spell chek available. Lol.

  2. Terry, it’s funny that someone who has been indoctrinated by right wing television and websites is claiming others have been indoctrinated…

  3. Sounds alot of money just for roof repairs for one school campus. WOnder who knew someone on the board to approve this amount and the contractor that will be doing the project.

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