Clayton Youth Donate $1,141 To Hurricane Relief Efforts

Marty Bizzell, Clayton Rotary Club President receives a check for $1,141 for Hurricane Harvey relief from Haley Bice, Clayton Interact Public Relations Officer

In just four days, members of the Clayton High School Interact Club raised $1,141.31 towards Hurricane Harvey relief efforts in Texas.

“It was shocking that so many students cared about the devastation caused by the hurricane,” said Haley Bice, Public Relations Officer for the Clayton Interact Club.

Marty Bizzell, President of the Clayton Rotary Club that sponsors the Interact Club said, “It Blew me away. I had no idea that they had raised so much in such a short time.”

The funds raised by the Clayton Interact and Clayton Rotary Club will be combined with money raised by other Rotary clubs in the Raleigh area. Working with Rotary clubs in the Houston area the money will go directly to help those in the greatest need due to the flooding.

The Clayton Interact Club brings almost 100 students of Clayton High School together to develop leadership skills, while discovering the impact of community service. young people, The clubs organize at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community, and one that is internationally focused.

In addition to raising money for hurricane relief, the Clayton Interact Club is planning an Anti-Bullying campaign during October.

In addition to providing mentoring and guidance for the Clayton Interact members, the Clayton Rotary Club is involved in a number of local and international service projects. Their major local project this year is building a playground for Johnston County’s Harbor House, a shelter for domestic abuse and sexual assault victims.

The Clayton Rotary Club meets every Thursday morning at 6:45 Rainbow Lanes, Clayton. The club has a history of over 90 years of providing community service to Clayton, Johnston County and internationally. For more information visit the