Cleveland Middle School’s Mathcounts teams took home top honors at the Johnston County Mathcounts competition held at First Baptist Church in Smithfield.
Cleveland Middle School took two teams to the county competition; the “Exponents” and the “Purple Smurfs.” The Exponents team included Russell Hartz, Sydeny Epps, Philip Velie and Julianne Faucett. The “Purple Smurfs” team included Ryan Ayscue, Nathan Crumpler, Matt DeBlois and Hailey Acosta.
The Exponents placed first in the team competition; while the Purple Smurfs placed third. Russell Hartz, placed first in the individual competition and first in the countdown rounds. Sydeny Epps, Nathan Crumpler, Philip Velie, and Ryan Ayscue placed in the top 16 for individuals.
Both teams moved on to compete in regionals held at Athens Drive High School. Mathcounts coach Jill Helms said she is very proud of the success of both teams.
“Both teams did an amazing job,” said Helms. “The hard work and dedication they showed while preparing for this competition definitely paid off.”