SMITHFIELD – Three people were transported to the hospital as the result of a collision on Cleveland Road at Steel Bridge Road.
A fifteen year-old, who had just gotten her driving permit, witnessed the accident and quickly jumped into action to help rescue the woman in the white car. She used a special tool to shatter the window of the car, allowing access to the injured driver. Other witnesses who happened to be in the area on a golf cart also came to the rescue of the drivers and passengers.
Wilson’s Mills Fire was on the scene and directing traffic for nearly 2 hours following the Saturday afternoon accident.
The North Carolina State Highway Patrol investigated the mishap.
I came upon this wreck after EMS / LEO were on scene, otherwise I would have stopped to access the situation.
Kudos to the new driver for her response and rescue. A window punch is a small investment for the glove box that may never be needed, but can be a life saver.
Was my daughter with her mom. She did good breaking the glass and cutting the airbags and seatbelt for the lady that told her she was about 5 months pregnant. Window and cutting tool was a gift from a previous employer and she had taken it with her for the first time. Guess she had that gut feeling. Hope they are all ok.