SMITHFIELD – The Conservative Voters Alliance announced Tuesday that 50 current and former elected officials, Republican Party leaders, grassroot activists and volunteers publicly endorse Kelly Daughtry for the Republican nomination for NC-13.
The following below released the joint statement: “Kelly Daughtry is the conservative fighter we need in Congress. Kelly was born, reared and is a Johnston County Republican. Kelly actually lives in the 13th Congressional District. We officially endorse Kelly Daughtry to be our next conservative Congresswoman.”
Current Johnston County Elected Officials Endorsements:
● Sheriff Steve Bizzell
● District Attorney Susan Doyle
● Register of Deeds Craig Olive
● Clerk of Court Michelle Ball
Legislative Endorsements:
● Senator Benton Sawrey
● NC House Majority Leader John Bell
● Representative Larry Strickland
● Representative Donna White
● Former Senator Rick Horner
● Former Senator Bob Steinburg
● Former Representative David Lewis
● Former Representative JH Langdon Jr.
● Former Representative Billy Creech
● Former Representative Leo Daughtry
Johnston County Board of Education Endorsements:
● Johnston County Board of Education Chairwoman Lyn Andrews
● Johnston County Board of Education Member Terry Tippett
● Johnston County Board of Education Member Mike Wooten
● Former Johnston County Board of Education Chairman Todd Sutton
● Former Johnston County Board of Education Member Terri Sessoms
● Former Johnston County Board of Education Member Dr. Peggy Smith
Johnston County Board of Commissioners Endorsements:
● Johnston County Commissioners Chairman Butch Lawter
● Johnston County Commissioner Ted Godwin
● Johnston County Commissioner April Stephens
● Johnston County Commissioner Patrick Harris
● Johnston County Commissioner-Elect Bill Stovall
● Former Johnston County Commissioner Chairman Jeff Carver
● Former Johnston County Commissioner Chad Stewart
● Former Johnston County Commissioner Keith Branch
● Former Johnston County Commissioner Lee Jackson
Johnston County Town Council Endorsements:
● Selma Town Council Member, Susan Watson
● Selma Town Council Member, William Overby
● Town of Princeton Mayor Pro-Tem, Mike Rose
● Smithfield Town Councilman, Sloan Stevens
● Smithfield Town Councilman, Travis Scott
● Pine Level Town Councilman, Greg Baker
● Clayton Town Councilwoman, Ruth Anderson
● Micro Town Commissioner, Kevin Worley
● Kenly Town Councilman, Garrett Stancil
● Former Four Oaks Mayor Linwood Parker
● Former Clayton Town Councilman, Jason Thompson
Grassroots Activist Endorsements:
● Former Wake County GOP Chairman, Charles Hellwig
● Former Johnston County GOP Chairman, Jackson Stancil
● Former Johnston County GOP Chairman, Andrew Tyree
● Former Johnston County Republican Women’s President, Michelle Haller
● Former North Carolina College Republicans Chairman, Juan Pleitez
● Former Johnston County GOP Executive Board Member, Tim Shipman
● Former Johnston County GOP Executive Board Member, George Strickland
● Former Smithfield Herald Newspaper Manager, Bob Dixon
● Longtime Republican Grassroot Activists Richard and Tammy Durham (Kenly)
Conservative? All those Democrat donations suggest otherwise.
Just one more good reason to vote knott
Just remember if all the GOP people like the candidate than they are part of the sell out RINO establishment! Brad Knott is the real deal and will actually represent the people not his own interests.
As a retired Johnston County small business owner I remember when her dad didn’t have the courtesy to answer emails or calls when the state legislated a tax on labor, causing us a substantial loss of work to neighboring states. As a legislator he could care less about the small business folks in Johnston County. Wonder how far the apple fell from the tree.
I have been so lucky to have been borned and raised as well as a survior of this Johnstion County, the deep mortal favor of her dad is just not enough? I JUST DON,T TRUST HER? VOTING FOR KNOT AND I AM WISHING IT COULD HAD BEEN FOR THE OTHER HOME GROWN CANIDATE!!!!
Conservative Voters Alliance- financed by her father. Endorsed by “50 Local and NC Leaders.” So? All that means is she is part of the clique. “Conservative fighter?” Wow, heard that one before .How does she define conservative exactly? Mitt Romney or Ronald Reagan?”Born and reared in Johnston County” Me too! So? As a voter I’m tired of all this generic campaigning that tells us nothing beyond the fact that the person wants to get elected. Where does Daughtry stand on specific issues like the state of the economy, immigration, tax reform, crime and the like? This applies to Brad Knott as well. Give us something substantive for once.