Corinth-Holders High School partnered with Rachel’s Challenge to equip and inspire students to replace acts of violence, bullying, and negativity with acts of respect, kindness, and compassion.
Rachel’s Challenge is based on the life and writings of Rachel Joy Scott, the first victim of the Columbine school shootings in 1999. Through her example, Rachel’s Challenge has touched the lives of over 27 million people globally.
Veda Tucker, spokesperson for Rachel’s Challenge presented to the students and coached them on the establishment of the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club on Thursday, Jan. 31.
Rachel’s Challenge is presented to students across the country to prevent problems such as bullying, student isolation, teen suicide, discrimination, and school violence.

Tucker spoke on the importance of getting rid of prejudice, dreaming big, choosing positive influences, speaking with kindness, and telling those you love how you feel.
“Everybody wants to be loved, appreciated, and accepted,” said Tucker. “The FOR Club is going to be a great opportunity for them to really take what we talked about today and put it to great use within the school.”
Brian Johnson, Corinth Holders High Principal, encouraged students to be attentive and open minded about the message.
“It meant the world to this school because we all have the ability to bring kindness into this world. We all have the ability to do great things, and we all are unique,” said Johnson. “Mrs. Tucker’s presentation taught us that we all have the power to cause a chain reaction, not only in this school but across this community. ”

Student Gabrielle Miller said that she felt that Rachel’s Challenge is what the student body needed to channel the kindness that was in their hearts.
“It brought out what we all have inside of us. Even if some of us were already thinking that we need to spread kindness, Mrs. Tucker’s message gave us tips and tools on how to spread that kindness. Not only through our school system but also through our community,” said Miller.