By Robert Jordan
Dunn Daily Record
HARNETT COUNTY – A former Harnett County deputy facing multiple state charges of sexually exploiting several minors and obstructing justice is now charged with federal counts of producing child porn with at least six minors.

Jonathan Andrew Edwards, 35, of West Blackman Road, Dunn, was arrested on Friday, March 1, at his home by U.S. Marshals. He was served with a federal indictment issued on Feb. 27 by the U.S. District Court signed by Assistant U.S. Attorney Charity L. Wilson.
Edwards’ indictment lists his federal charges as six counts of producing child porn with sexually explicit visual depictions of different minor children and one count each of receiving sexually explicit visual depictions of a minor and possessing sexually explicit visual depictions of minors under 12 years of age.
The court filing lists the different counts as occurring in 2022 on Feb. 28, Aug. 8, Aug. 27, Sept. 10, Oct. 15 and Nov. 5.
The indictment gives Edwards notice that any materials or property used in the action of these crimes is subject to forfeiture.
The federal indictment available to the Record is a redacted version of the document. The unredacted version has been filed under seal.
Edward’s state arrest warrant refers to videos of children performing sexual acts and accuses Edwards of facilitating minors to engage in those acts. While on bond, the North Carolina court ordered he is to have no contact with minors without a parent or guardian present and no contact with any of the victims identified in the videos. He is “not to visit any (web)sites that law enforcement have identified in its investigation” and is “not to participate in any chat rooms with minors.”
The Harnett County Sheriff’s Office was made aware of possible misconduct by Edwards in October, reported Sheriff Wayne Coats in a Dec. 5 press release. An internal investigation was initiated, and Edwards was placed on administrative leave Oct. 16. He was terminated on Nov. 30 for violations of policy.
Edwards began working with the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office as a deputy sheriff on Jan. 17, 2013. He was assigned to the patrol division at the time of his termination.
But the sheeple have been brainwashed to fear drag queens and transgender athletes, eh?
Brainwashed to fear? I hope you’re joking.
Me? You’re joking, right? In the past 5 years there have been hundreds of rally and organizations (led by our legislators) to protect our women and children from being molested by drag queens and transgender bathroom attacks. Do you how many of our legislators have asked to increase the training and certification process for LEOs? I’ll give you a hint: it rhymes with “hero.”
Because they’re projecting the fear on what they really are themselves..
What does that have to do with what that sick individual did to those children? I do not fear drag queens or transgender people!!! It is individuals like you who feel everyone should agree with your thoughts and beliefs. You get butt hurt when people don’t. For the record transgender men should NOT be allowed to compete against women. A
nd any parent that takes their children to see men dressed up looking like clowns….should not be able to reproduce!!!
crazy world we live in..if we cant trust thre police around our children who can we trust??
You should never automatically trust a person based solely on their occupation. There are so many bad police, preachers (pastors, whatever name you call them) teachers, Boy/Girl Scout leaders… and the list goes on…..bad/harmful people are in all occupations….they can be rich, poor or middle class…they can be any ethnicity, or any (or not) religion, can be stunningly handsome/beautiful, average looking or even not so good looking. Of course you know the statistics that 90% of children are abused by someone they know and either they or their family trusted. For the past several years I have heard of a trend (for lack of better word) where parents are not forcing their children to hug or “give sugar/love” to •name any relative or friend• because it teaches children they can say no and no one (even family) has a right to force contact. Basically the child gives, or not , permission to be hugged, kissed etc., by other people. It isn’t a bad thing but I can see where some relatives or friends might not understand the concept . Traditions can be broken and sometimes they need to be.
A cop and a pedo? Good luck, buddy.
Give this creep the general population, let them take care of this problem