CLAYTON – Over 125 people attended the Johnston County Republican Party’s annual awards banquet at The Farm on Highway 42 in Clayton on Saturday, April 13th. Recently retired radio station owner and operator Carl Lamm received the GOP’s prestigious Ronald Wilson Reagan Legacy Award.
“The Reagan Legacy Award was initiated by the Johnston County Republican Party as a prestigious manner in which to honor someone at our annual Reagan Day Dinner & Auction who has made an important contribution to our county party and/or the cause of Conservatism, representing Republican principles and ideals,” according to Michelle Haller, Johnston County GOP Vice Chair and Chair of the Reagan Day Event.
Carl, 92, retired on March 31st from WTSB in Smithfield ending 72 consecutive years in radio broadcasting.
“At the beginning of each year the Johnston County Republican Party Executive Board members submit names of people who have contributed to the county party and to the conservative cause in Johnston County,” stated Darryl Mitchell, Chairman Johnston County Republican Party. “For the last several years, the Award has been awarded to an elected official. However, in January, Mr. Carl’s name was submitted. The Executive Board voted to recognize Mr. Carl as the 2019 recipient in early February. Little did we know that Mr. Carl would announce his retirement just a few weeks later. We knew then that God had directed our steps to select Mr. Carl. There is not a more worthy recipient than Mr. Carl.”
US Representative David Rouzer presented the surprise award to Carl. Rouzer said, “It’s not often in life that you get to a know a man who is truly a legend in his own time. Carl Lamm has dedicated his life and career to radio and made Johnston County, our state, and our nation a better place in his daily pursuit of excellence and truth. Throughout his career he has been a champion for conservatism, family values and faith-based principles — a natural outgrowth of his love for, and faith in, our Creator. I join our entire community in congratulating him for receiving the 2019 Reagan Legacy Award. No one has done more to promote and defend the conservative principles that make our country the greatest force for good mankind has ever known.”
“I cannot think of anyone more worthy of our Reagan Award than Mr. Carl Lamm,” said George Strickland, Johnston County Republican Party Executive Board member at large. “His Christian faith, love for our country, and conservative patriotism is a guide for all of us to follow in our daily lives.”
Haller added, “While the award has gone to several former elected officials in honor of their years of service in an official capacity, it is not reserved for such. It also may be bestowed on grassroots volunteers or community citizens who have made a noticeable contribution to the growth and health of our party in their own, unique ways. This year’s recipient is the latter.”
“While Carl Lamm has not served in elected office, nor has he been active in our county party, he has been friendly to our cause, and has provided a medium for communicating with constituents and promoting our events in a manner unavailable through other mainstream media. His radio station and website have played a critical role in helping us reach the public, even during the time when our county was majority Democrats. We have since flipped our county to red, and there’s no question the friendliness of “Mr. Carl” and his broadcast entities played a role in our success.”
“You’ll be hard pressed to find any elected Republican that has not been on the airwaves of WTSB, whether in a lengthy interview with Mr. Carl, or in campaign ads on the station,” Haller said. “Also, Mr. Carl used to show up with his microphone in hand to provide coverage of both candidates and voters at The Conservative Rally, which was a huge Republican campaign event in Smithfield for many election cycles. Our party could not have promoted our candidates or message without Mr. Carl’s cooperation over the years, and that is why we chose to honor him in such a special way with this year’s Reagan award. It should be noted that this decision had been made by the JCGOP Executive Board prior to the announcement of his retirement, and not as a response to it. We just thought it was time he be recognized.”
“Mr. Carl and I share a love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, a love for conservative Republican politics, and a love for America’s favorite past-time, baseball,” Mitchell said. “The Johnston County Republican Party proudly honors Mr. Carl for his ‘Voice of Conservatism.'”
In addition, recently retired County Commission Cookie Pope was recognized with a special award for her 24 years of public service. Mrs. Pope was the first Republican woman elected as a County Commissioner.
Mark Keith Robinson was the keynote speaker for the 2019 Event. Mr. Robinson came to fame on April 2, 2018 when he stood before the Greensboro Town Council and challenged their decision to restrict gun shows in Greensboro as a result of the school shootings in Parkland, Florida. Since that time, Mr. Robinson has spoken all over the country for gun rights, freedom, Christian values, and the conservative cause.
Mr. Robinson spoke for 40 minutes at the Reagan Day Dinner on the four principles of: Being a Christian; Being an American; Being a conservative; and Being a Republican. At the conclusion of his speech he received a standing ovation.