A Harnett County deputy sheriff was arrested today (Tuesday) following an investigation by the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office and NC State Bureau of Investigation. Deputy Johnathan Andrew Edwards was charged with 10 felony counts of first-degree sexual exploitation of a minor and one count of felony obstruction of justice.
In October 2023, the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office was made aware of possible misconduct by Deputy Edwards. An internal investigation was initiated, and Edwards was placed on administrative leave on October 16, 2023.
Sheriff Wayne Coats requested the NC SBI assist in the investigation of any potential related criminal matters. Edwards’ employment was terminated on November 30, 2023 for violations of policy.
Edwards, age 35, was arrested Tuesday and processed at the Harnett County Detention Center where he was held on a $1 million secured bond
Edwards was hired as a deputy sheriff in January 2013 and was assigned to the patrol division at the time of his termination.
In a press release, Sheriff Coats said this was an ongoing investigation, which may result in further charges.
Crazy nobody has nothing to say about this but had a lot to say about Rodney last week smh yall care more about drinking and driving than exploiting minors?
And these are the guys supposed to be protecting and serving us
Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do when they come for you….eventually the bad cops get weaned out. Shame on you!
You sir, are a pure disgrace. You were sworn in to serve and protect. However, you, yourself harmed the most vulnerable of all, the children. If you are found quilty, 1) I hope they lock you up for the rest of your life. 2) I hope you get put in a sell with Big Bubba. Then I hope he has his way with you morning, noon, and night. Then you may realize what it feels like to be exploited. Its sorry POS cops like you that give the rest a bad name. Shame on you.