Three seats on the Johnston County Board of Education will be up for reelection in 2022. One incumbent says she will not seek another term.

Terri Sessoms of Smithfield, who was elected in 2018, says she campaigned on serving only one term and has no plans to seek a second term in office.
“I said throughout my campaign and since I began my term that I believe in term limits and would only serve one term. By not seeking reelection, I can make decisions without being swayed by those who would manipulate me through political threats or promises of reelection support.”
“It has been an honor to serve the great people of Johnston County and I will continue to work hard for our citizens until the end of my term. This was my season to serve as an elected official and I look forward to supporting our school system in the future in whatever way I can as a volunteer,” Mrs. Sessoms said.
Seats currently held by Chairman Todd Sutton of Kenly and recently appointed board member Al Byrd of Clayton are also up for election next year.
When asked about his plans for 2022 Mr. Byrd replied, “Right now, I am focused on working with my fellow board members in working through the various opportunities that we have before us. These are exciting times for Johnston County Public Schools!”
Chairman Sutton says he has not decided if he will seek reelection. He was appointed to the board in 2017 and won election in 2018.
Hopefully none of them seek re-election as they all need to go!!
I quote Mr. Al Byrd “these are exciting times for Johnston County Public Schools”. Tax Payers get the tab for missing millions that still can’t be explained and parents for the last year have had to work by day and educate their kids by night. I agree with Mr. Al Byrd, lose money like drunken sailers and not have to come to work and still get a pay check with benefits!!! That would be exciting for us working class too.
Tax Payers and Parents this is what we get when this board has very publicly shown no opposition to the “Squad of Critical Race Theory Cult” that they seem to support and want to soak you children in.
Folks, read the story JOCO did on Teri Sessoms when she announced her candidacy back in February 2nd 2018 and you will see why she can’t and want come out against “The Squad of Critical Race Theory Cult”? It is because she listed her long liberal progressive liberal resume and allegiance to the Socialist Democrat Party in that story. Parents at that board meeting do you understand now why she was so condescending to you and let you know she didn’t work for any of you. These board members has to hide their Socialist Democrat label and they can’t run on what they really want to indoctrinate your kids with. Just think of all the sickening damage this woman has done to these kids over the years? I went back and read it twice but I couldn’t find where she said she was only running for one term, umm?
You’re not well, sir.
no you are not well.
you babble on about everything under the sun show
very little knowledge but a great deal of cynicism. I wonder how someone with such a negative attitude managed to live a happy life
My comments are called free speech and that has been shut down at all news networks with a few exceptions. Have you liberal progressive liberal noticed you can only voice your displeasure of me here or Fox News? I honestly thrive off of your berating comments of me and I guess it is just my confidence and knowing that facts are a very ignoring thing to have to defend. The most frightening words you will ever hear is “I am from the government and here to help” Ronald Reagan and the Reagan Democrats had it right and they have been replaced with pure evil of the Socialist Democrats. I live and sleep with a Democrat that can’t let her views be known out of fear she will be attacked for defending freedom.
Well Thank God! 1 down more to go!!
When people find out what they want to do to our children and start to speak up and show up they don’t want to defend what they are doing. I say good riddance to any of these socialist, marxist wanting to teach our children hate.
Mrs. Sessoms is a fine person. Her integrity has always been commendable. She has devoted her life to serving the students in this district and I’ve never heard any of them say a bad thing about her.
Finally someone making a comment about a fellow human rather than making every little thing about left or right. She seems like a decent person and the idea behind term limits and holding yourself to that idea is admirable.