Johnson Appeals Ruling To NC Court of Appeals

RALEIGH – Johnston County school board member Ronald Johnson has appealed a decision by the State Board of Elections to the NC Court of Appeals.

Mr. Johnson is running for reelection to the Johnston County school board this year. He has three challengers in the March 5 primary.

On December 19, Mr. Johnson filed a complaint with the Johnston County Board of Elections alleging one of his opponents, David Marshburn, does not live in District 7. On January 10, the board of elections ruled Mr. Marshburn met the residency requirements, after renting a home on S. Robertson Street in Clayton.

In filings and during public testimony, Mr. Johnson contended Marshburn maintains a primary residence on Twin Oaks Road, Clayton, which is in District 5. Marshburn stated he lived on N. Third Street in Smithfield prior to moving to S. Robertson Street. While his name is still on the deed for the property, Mr. Marshburn testified during the hearing his wife lives at the Twin Oaks Road address, and the couple maintains separate homes.

Johnson appealed the Jan. 10 decision to the State Board of Elections. On Jan. 17, the state board upheld the initial ruling.

On Jan. 24, Mr. Johnson appealed the ruling to the State Court of Appeals.

Reached today (Wednesday) by email, Mr. Johnson said, “We have laws and rules in this nation for a reason. I stay positive and keep working through the processes.”

At last check, a date for the Appeals Court to review the case had not been announced.


    • Lol…nope. We’re keeping Ron and Michelle, and coming for the rest of the board too. Bow out, Scott, the exit is stage left.

      • What is RJ so afraid of with Marshburn in the race? If he is all that you think he is then why is he trying so hard to get his competitor removed? The fact that he is trying so hard just makes him look weak and pathetic. But of course, he knows more than everyone else, right? Sad.

    • I agree Scott. Let’s not forget Mr Donovan and Michelle’s public statements they made And let’s not forget ADT. Tippet ran with both of them. So all 4 need to go

  1. Remember all of the stories that all of you and myself would have never known of if not for our Honorable Ron-Jon? That’s right those of you that are fighting to have our Honorable Ron-Jon removed from this board are really praying for the days when our back room big money deals was done so by the likes of our $180-K-Carroll and Lyn”Ma” Andrews, Mike Wooten to never beheard of in the public? Here is just one reminder of those backrooms deal that was filled with cigar smoke and dishonesty!!! Just remember, the devil we know may be a hell of alot better than the devil we don’t know?

    • Just you name makes everyone hear think you’re a complete idiot. Biden and his cronies will pay for what they’ve done.

    • I totally agree. Why did Marshburn “rent a house in Clayton” and then go to Board of Elections and put his name on the ballot? Why couldn’t he run in the district he lived in? Sounds fishy to me. You’ve still got my support Ron Johnson!

    • Ron Jon is exposing this corrupt district. They tried to show him who’s boss, and didn’t expect him to put up this much of a fight, once he gets through this “IF” he does. Ron will focus on the other issues this school board faces.

  2. I am very thankful that we are seeing how our school board is being run. Some pretend to be for our students, but really are there to serve themselves. We will continue to get the same old system as long as we continue to vote these people in. We need real people with students being served in our county schools with a servants heart. Our students need real leadership examples

  3. Ron, you are a pariah and cancer to this school board and community. You have been proven to have broken the law and embarrassed this community many times.

    Please, just go away. Move away.

    You are a criminal and should not be allowed anywhere near where decisions concerning our children are concerned.

    • Once again, Not convicted of anything, just more rhetoric from those on the left that want politics in the school board. He is cancer to those dishonest ones in the school system. SMH.

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