SMITHFIELD – Kevin Donovan released a statement Friday thanking supporters who elected him to the Johnston County Board of Education. Donovan was the second highest vote-getter in Tuesday’s election for the school board receiving more than 30,000 votes.
“Thank you to the supporters of the county that entrusted me with a seat on the Board of Education with your vote. This wouldn’t be possible without my faith in God, an amazing family support system, friends/family that were willing to sacrifice their time to help me out at the polls, and trust given to me by the voters to continue the positive trend of becoming the best school system in the state,” Mr. Donovan stated.
“When I started this race, I was just a Dad in Johnston County concerned with the negative effects of education due to COVID19 School closures. Between multiple conversations with board members, I became very interested in making a positive difference in producing successful kids in Johnston County Public Schools. My hope is this win for a concerned dad encourages more parents to get involved in both volunteering in the schools and potentially running for a Board of Education seat in the future. I look forward to listening to your voices and supporting the Kids, Parents, and staff of Johnston County,” he said.
Mr. Donovan and the two other newly elected school board members, Terry Tippett and Michelle Antoine, will take their Oaths of Office in December. They will serve four year terms.
Very excited to see the positive changes coming to the board. Thank you Mr Donovan for stepping up and serving.
The people of Johnston county have put their trust in you. Don’t let them down.