Man Loses $15,000 After Clicking On Fraudulent Website

SMITHFIELD – A Smithfield-area man lost $15,000 after mistakenly going to the wrong website.

The 65 year-old victim purchased a new laptop computer from Best Buy in 2022. He wanted to make sure his Geek Squad protection was still in place and attempted to look up their website.

Unfortunately, the victim clicked on a fake website that appeared to be from Best Buy. He was instructed to email his personal information and later received a telephone call from a scammer pretending to be with Geek Squad.

The victim allowed the fake tech support representative remote access to his laptop. He then noticed they were pulling up his bank account information, which they claimed was to deduct a yearly support protection fee.

Through a series of manipulated events, the con artist convinced the victim they had actually deposited $15,000 into his account, not withdrawn $150 for the fee.

He was instructed to obtain $15,000 in cash then take it to a BitCoin machine, which he did.

More than sixty percent of tech support scams involve victims over the age of 60. You can report tech support scams to the Federal Trade Commission or your local law enforcement agency.


  1. “The victim allowed the fake tech support representative remote access to his laptop.”

    Never, ever give anyone remote access to your computer. They will always say they are connecting you to their “secure server” but really you are giving them free control of your computer. They can also do this with phones. When given remote access, they can do whatever you can do. They can see your saved passwords, files, pictures…. everything!

    This scam has been going on for years and it’s really heartbreaking to hear that people still fall for it.

    • I’m glad no one at any time has ever gotten over on you. These people are hurting enough without people raging on them.

      • @Steve: You sound like all the other Snowflake, Libs who want the government to take care of things. Go move to Socialst Europe — here in America we learn to take responsibility for ourselves.

        • @tellthetruth: Also here in America, we are supposed to have empathy for our fellow man! Nobody said anything about the government. This is about educating people so they are knowledgeable about all the scams and can avoid becoming the next victim.

        • You are a total MORON. You make no sense at all. I did not even mention anything about our government but with your stupidity you sound like a politician! Now crawl back in your hole please….

  2. All sympathies, but grown folks were able to make and have that kind of money, but don’t have enough common sense at this point in life to recognize evil and the low life son’s trying to con them? Are the dorkball crooks that much smarter than good people? Geeez….

  3. Being asked to take out 15k in cash? There’s your sign. If a company said they accidentally deposited 15 k in my account I’d have said thanks and hung up. “ A fool and their money are soon parted “

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