The Smithfield Town Council has proclaimed Thursday, April 18th as Electrical Linemen Appreciation Day in the Town of Smithfield.
During the April town council meeting, Mayor Andy Moore and members of the town council presented a Proclamation to Public Utilities Director Ted Credle and lineman Hunter Parker.
The proclamation praised the electrical linemen personnel for their professionals and said they are often first responders during storms and other catastrophic events, working to repair broken lines to make the scene safe for citizens as well as other public safety workers.
“Electrical linemen work on the Town of Smithfield power lines 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to keep the electricity flowing… Due to the danger of their work with thousands of volts of electricity high atop power lines, these linemen put their lives at risk every day for the citizens of the Town of Smithfield with little recognition from the community regarding the danger of their work,” the proclamation read.
In 2013, the US Senate designated the annual celebration of National Linemen Appreciation Day.