Tony Braswell Files For County Commissioner Seat

Tony Braswell was joined by his wife, Nobie, daughter Khloe, and son’s Aiden and Ryan as he filed for Johnston County Commissioner on Friday at the Johnston County Board of Elections Office in Smithfield.

Tony Braswell of Pine Level, the former Chairman of the Johnston County Board of Commissioners, filed today (Friday) for the seat he previously held for 12 years.

Braswell submitted his paperwork at Noon on Friday at the Johnston County Board of Elections Office in Smithfield.  Braswell is seeking the District 6 seat currently held by Commissioner Lee Jackson of Smithfield who was appointed to the post in November.

“I have been out of office for over a year now, and had the opportunity to step back and spend time in our community. I believe that my record as a fiscal conservative, commitment to our community, and my advocacy for our citizens is essential for Johnston County” said Braswell. “This campaign will address what is important to the taxpayers and voters and my experience gives me the ability to talk about the depth of issues in our county. As the owner and operator of two small businesses, I understand the need to control spending, differentiate between needs and wants, and hold people accountable.”

Braswell’s top issue is a property tax rate cut in 2019. There has not been a revaluation in Johnston County since 2011, and property values will increase. State law requires a revenue-neutral tax rate.

“The 2019 budget year is the time to lower the tax rate so everyone can benefit from the growth this county has seen for years. The current financial policy sets the fund balance and should not change.”

Braswell’s other priorities in running for the District 6 seat are education budgeting, working with stakeholders in the towns across Johnston County in land use, and eliminating the trash decal system. As a Vietnam Veteran, Braswell is also committed to a strong Veteran’s support system.

“We can work with the Board of Education as partners, not adversaries. As Commissioner, I would like for more of the allocation used for teacher supplements and basic classroom supplies.”

Braswell is also committed to working with County staff and other elected officials to keep Johnston County as one of the leaders in responsible public safety.

“I will work with the county’s public safety, public health, and all other emergency systems that continue to make our county safe.”

“I am asking for your prayers, your vote, and your support to help make Johnston County all it can be and represent the citizens in this county in a manner they expect. I promise to work tirelessly as your County Commissioner and together we can make a difference.”