CLAYTON – Clayton Police are investigating a shooting reported around 11:00am today (Thursday). It happened at 3006 Brittany Drive, off Dairy Road.
Officers found a 15 year-old juvenile suffering from a gunshot wound to the leg. He was transported to Wake Med in Raleigh. His injuries do not appear to be life threatening.

Police took one person into custody about a half mile from the scene of the shooting.
Investigators are processing the crime scene and continuing to interview witnesses.
A motive for the shooting has not been released, but officers said it does not appear to be a random act.
It is so comforting to see JOCO making big strides in big city diversity news stories isn’t it? See what can happen when the kids that do make it out of the delivery-abortion room are given a chance at a real progressive liberal education system! Keep JOCO school board progressive and liberal so it never goes back to the God in school crowd and that hates diversity in our bathrooms and women sports crowd!
Inflation up, crime up!
Why wasn’t a 15 old in school where he belonged? Praying he has a full recovery.
Suspended I’m sure
This is sick. Guns in the hands of all the sick people. If this was not a random shooting it makes me wonder the age of the shooter. This is why you are unable to go anyplace without carrying today.
Start raising your kids right people so things like this don’t keep happening. This is the future generation of our lifetime out here- and they need guidence- because this is some bs seeing all this crime all the time- especially coming from children