CLAYTON – On December 2, an Eagle Scout Ceremony was held for Austin Williams. The Eagle Award is the highest and most coveted rank in Scouting. The awarding of the Eagle rank is an important occasion which a Scout works for many years.
Members of the Marine Corps League, Carry-On Detachment 1236, Past Commandant Bo Bull Durham, Marine Tom Hartos and Marine Lalonzo Chambers awarded the Good Citizenship Award to Eagle Scout Austin Williams from Boy Scout Troop 33 of Oakland Presbyterian Church of Clayton.

Austin joined Cub Scouts at age seven as a member of Pack 24 chartered at the Clayton Civitan Club. Austin earned all of his Cub Scout Ranks and his Arrow of Light and crossed over to Troop 33 during March of 2016. As a scout in Troop 33, Austin worked as a Den Chief for Pack 33’s Den 11. Many of those former cub scouts that Austin led attended his Eagle Ceremony. In addition, Austin served as Troop-33 Senior Patrol Leader.
Austin completed National Youth Leadership Training and earned his Ordeal in the Order of the Arrow at Nayawin RāR Lodge 296 Lodge in the Tuscarora Council. Although, only 21 merit badges are required towards earning your Eagle Scout rank. Austin earned 15 more over the required amount.
Austin is an honor graduate of Life Spring Academy in Clayton. He is currently completing a Health and Fitness Science degree and has worked with Life Spring Academy as Head Coach for Soccer and Assistant Coach for Basketball. Austin has the goal of becoming an Educator and Coach once he finishes his degrees.
Austin is the son of Edna and Dan Williams of Clayton. Dan is also an Eagle Scout.