Four Oaks Mayor Linwood Parker delivered copies of letters of support and opposition to a proposed CSX intermodal terminal on Wednesday to an attorney working with the railroad.

Also included was an audio copy of a 90 minute discussion of the rail terminal during a meeting of the Four Oaks Town Board on Monday night. During the meeting 13 people spoke. Twelve were opposed and just one was in favor.
“For the past three months our community has been part of a process that would locate your new hub outside of our town,” Mayor Parker wrote to CSX. “While I personally believe the hub will create economic opportunity for our citizens and community for many years, our community has reached a point where it is being divided pro and con not knowing whether the hub will be located here.”
“I thank CSX for considering our community, but we would like to get a resolution of the question of whether this area would be a suitable site for the CSX Hub. This will allow our community to put this question to rest.”
The mayor ended his letter by asking CSX to respond and bring resolution to the question by April 22nd. In Monday’s meeting, Mayor Parker stated he would ask for an answer by April 21st. There was no reason given for the one day delay.