CLAYTON – The Town of Clayton, in conjunction with North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, is issuing a precautionary advisory while an active waterway clean-up and remediation for Little Creek between Main Street to Lombard Street/NC 42 West is underway.
A kerosene release from T.R. Lee Oil Company, Inc. impacted Little Creek near 400 W. Main St. in Clayton to downstream of the U.S. 70 Business corridor. There is currently an active clean-up and remediation of the impacted areas.
While clean-up continues, the Town of Clayton is issuing a recreational water advisory for the section of Little Creek between Main Street through the U.S. 70 Business corridor to Lombard Street/NC 42 West.
Little Creek, between Main Street to Lombard Street /NC 42 West, is the primary waterway impacted from the kerosene release near 400 W Main St. This is not a drinking water source.
If you notice any discolored water, sheens, or fish kills in these water ways, avoid coming into contact with these waters and report these conditions to 919-553-1530 or info@townofclaytonnc.org.

Until the water is tested and declared safe, environmental, and public health officials recommend:
· Avoid swimming, wading or fishing in this section of Little Creek until further notice.
· Avoid skin contact with water, soil and sediment in or near the river.
· If skin comes in contact with contaminated sediment or water, thoroughly wash the affected area with soap and water.
· If you are concerned that you, your family and/or pets have been exposed to these waterways contact your health care provider or veterinarian.
The Town of Clayton will continue to work closely with representatives from the Environmental Protections Agency (EPA), North Caroling Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ), North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS), Johnston County Emergency Management, T.R. Lee Oil Company, Inc. and their contractor to resolve the situation.
For additional questions or clarifications, please contact the Town of Clayton at 919-553-1530 or the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch at 919-707-5910. Additional information on health questions regarding fuel oils, including kerosene, is available online on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
“Many residents nearby declined to speak with WRAL News and said they were afraid to go on camera out of fears of retaliation from the owners of the company where the spill originated”
Could people be afraid of the good old boys network in JoCo ?
John referencing wral says a lot about you. People are just minding their own business.
What it says about him is that he watches or reads the local news. Not sure of your comment.
Why are people scared ? I don’t get it
It was an accident caused by the effects of Hurricane Ian
TR Lee should be and will be fined. The company is responsible for proper storage of materials. So what if it was caused by a hurricane.