Investment Scam Costs Local Man Over $100,000

CLAYTON – A Clayton man lost a large sum of money in an online investment scam. In 2022, the 43 year-old victim reportedly met an individual on social media who claimed they were a crypto currency investor and they could make him lots of money.

Over the course of a year, the victim sent the scammer a total of $101,910, thinking he was investing in Bitcoin. The scammers lured the victim to send more money claiming the victim was making large returns on his investment.

When the victim attempted to withdraw some of his money, he could not, and soon thereafter lost contact with the so-called online investment manager.

Similar scams involve the payment of large up-front fees and the theft of personal and banking information. It is unlikely the victim will be able to recover any of the money.


  1. For this guy to be 43 years old and fall for it, it must have started as a Romance Scam. I just can’t figure out how people keep doing this. All it does is make the scammers keep on doing it to people. I can bet you though, the scammers are laughing all the way to the bank. It is making the scammers in Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Jamaica and many more countries rich at the expense of our own people. BE SMARTER!

  2. He deserved to lose every penny. Has that guy never heard of coinbase or literally any platform where you can invest in bitcoin and other stuff. SMH.

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