NC Labor Department Rejects Petitions Asking For New Mask Mandates

By Brianna Kraemer
Carolina Journal

North Carolina Commissioner of Labor Josh Dobson has rejected two petitions filed by left-leaning groups to reinstitute mask mandates and other distancing requirements for North Carolina businesses.

The groups filed petitions asking the department to implement a string of measures that would “prevent the spread of airborne infectious diseases” in the workplace during any declared public health emergency. Under North Carolina general statute 150B-20, any member of the public can petition a state agency to adopt a permanent rule, and the Labor Department accepted the petition for consideration.

Commissioner Dobson, who granted the requests for consideration, announced the official decision in a statement on Wednesday. He said it comes after carefully reviewing the rule-making petitions, the record, public comments, listening to both sides, and considering the North Carolina Department of Labor’s (NCDOL) statutory authority.

Citizens spoke at previous hearings on the matter, with the vast majority of public testimony condemning the ‘egregious overreach of government’ that would be ‘detrimental to businesses.’ Jill Cramer, the general counsel for NCDOL, said she received approximately 665 emailed comments during the public comment window, which ended on March 4.

“After thoughtful consideration of the petitions received on December 14, 2022, I, Josh Dobson, Commissioner of Labor, have made the decision not to adopt either of the proposed rules, to include the General Industry/Construction Infectious Diseases and the Airborne Infectious Diseases for Migrant Housing and Agricultural employers,” Dobson said.

The first petition sought to enact health regulations on agricultural employers and migrant housing operators. The second petition aimed to require businesses in North Carolina to adhere to specific health requirements if the governor, legislature, or federal health agencies declare a health emergency. The proposed rules include masking and social distancing, creating an exposure control plan, and maintaining a log of positive cases.

The agency held public hearings in January, in which more than 100 people attended in person and virtually. Testimony on business mandates exceeded the two-hour time allotted to the meeting. Of 53 public commenters, 47 were against the petitioned occupational safety and health rules, though the agency did not tabulate the comments as “for” or “against.”

SEE ALSO: Citizens slam potential mask mandates at Tuesday hearing

Rep. Jon Hardister, R-59, who was running for the role of Labor Commissioner at the time, attended the January meeting and urged the labor commissioner to reject this petition. He said, “If there’s one thing we learned during COVID, it’s that government intrusion has negative consequences on the private industry,”

Luke Farley, the Republican nominee for Labor Commissioner, applauded the department’s decision and said “these burdensome rules were bad for workers and bad for businesses.”


  1. I have a better idea for these mask nuts. Just stay home and hide in a closet. The rest of us will live just fine without you.

  2. At this point, with all that was learned about Covid AND how a report just came out on how wrong the “experts” were about handling covid, if you are still that afraid You need to stay at home and isolate yourself from normal people.

  3. Haven’t the democrats kicked the masking and distancing horse long enough?? Here’s an idea for all you liberals and democrats…..go home, lock your doors and hide under your bed. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out of your “safe space”. And don’t forget to hold your breath while you’re waiting.


    Rational Adults

  4. We are literally in the middle of a pandemic. The ignorance and hatred coming from these right wing extremists will cost millions of people their lives. I still wear my mask everyday because I don’t want blood on my hands.

    • @Juan, you can virtue signal with that mask all you want to. The rest of us know that covid is over. I guess the Democrats will have to start another “pandemic” so they can steal this election too. Isn’t it sad that democrats have to cheat to win?

    • Actually we are not in the middle of a pandemic anymore. It has been declared over by the government but they still keep pushing the narrative to keep people like you scared of your own shadow.

    • And you have every right to do that. Just know we all make fun of you and you’re picture is probably online. Riddle me this genius. The gaps in a mask are larger than a virus so how is it helping?

    • Tou spelled scamdemic wrong. Keep breathing your own C02 though because that’s very healthy from what I’ve heard.

  5. “petitions filed by left-leaning groups” That is all that was needed to be said. Now everyone knows the deal.

  6. Finally! The government chooses to let the people decide for themselves. No if we can simply rollback the motorcycle helmet laws next, let me buy liquor on Sundays, and buy recreational marijuana I’ll almost feel free again! #myBodyMyChoice

  7. Seriously….am I in the twilight zone? I just looked up the data on Covid cases and the number is ridiculously low. ER visits are almost non-existent , deaths BY Covid are almost non-existent. They just released the protocols and stated to treat it like the ordinary flu. The quarantine and other protocols were reduced. Why in the world would people be calling for mask mandates again? What, is there an election coming up again or something that might want to scare people from voting so we can have the illegitimate “ mail in voting”?………….oh wait. WHAT A SCAM.

  8. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; masks were meant for an asymptomatic person from spreading germs and viruses. If you feel the need to wear a mask, then you must feel you may have COVID, therefore, KEEP YOURSELF AT HOME. Masks were NEVER used to prevent breathing in the virus.

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