Police Seize Sports Car Involved In High Speed Chase

WILSON’S MILLS – The long arm of the law caught up with a driver reportedly involved in a high speed chase.

On February 25 around 9:00pm, a Wilson’s Mills police officer spotted a red Dodge Charger speeding on Highway 70 near Wilson’s Mills Road. The driver pulled over and stopped. As the officer was approaching the stopped car, the driver sped away at a high rate of speed.

The vehicle reached speeds of approximately 100 miles per hour. The officer lost sight of the car and ended the pursuit.

Later, Clayton Police located the red Dodge at the registered owner’s address on Sunnyview Lane in Clayton.

The car’s owner, Deairen Campbell was arrested Feb. 28 and charged with felony fleeing to elude arrest. Campbell was released on a $10,000 secured bond. The Charger was seized under the NC Run and Done law.


  1. Just curious, If the owner still owes on a car that is taken, are they still responsible for payments to the bank?

  2. if money is owed on car the cops give it back. have you noticed you never see nice cars at the county auctions.

  3. I hope this guy does not make bond. At 9pm the roads are still busy, and he could have killed someone else on the road as well as the Police Officer. If he wants to kill himself that’s his business. Why are people so stupid?

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