CLAYTON – Powhatan Original Freewill Baptist (OFWB) Church in Clayton has been inviting different Johnston County agencies to speak each month to the Senior Adult Ministry.

The January speaker was Craig Olive, Johnston County Register of Deeds. Mr. Olive delivered an enlightening session covering information on fraud alert, highlighting its significance and importance in today’s digital age. The Register of Deeds office plays a crucial role in serving the working community and the general public by offering a wide range of services.
At the March meeting, representatives from the Johnston County Department of Social Services – Adult Services spoke on several topics. Adults with disabilities are at risk of experiencing abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The agency is responsible for receiving and assessing reports to determine if disabled adults require protective services and what specific services are necessary. Additionally, the Adult Protective Services Social Worker assists with placement, guardianship, advance directives, and involuntary commitment as needed to ensure the safety and well-being of the adult in question.

Casey White, Georgianna Howard and Antoinette White gave wonderful information to help the group understand the role of DSS Adult Services.
Powhatan OFWB Church Senior adult ministry is an active fellowship of senior adults within our church and community and meets monthly. Speakers come bimonthly to discuss topics that are beneficial to the adult seniors.
Please come and join us at Powhatan OFWB Church, 3468 Powhatan Rd. Clayton, NC. For more information visit
(Contributed article)