Report: Inmate Assaults Two Detention Officers

SMITHFIELD – An inmate at the Johnston County Detention Center in Smithfield is accused of attacking two detention employees.

The incident happened inside the jail facility around 10:00pm Monday, March 17

Charles Theodore Murphy, 46, of Collinworth Drive, Clayton reportedly attacked a detention officer from behind and began clawing at his eyes, according to the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office. A second detention employee was also assaulted and injured before Murphy could be subdued.

Both officers sustained minor injuries.

Murphy was charged with two counts of assault causing physical injury on a detention employee and resisting a public officer.

Murphy had been in the county jail since March 14 following his arrest by Clayton Police for domestic violence and simple assault.


    • Of course Pete it’s always the good guys fault, just watch tv. All those poor people trying to commit crimes being arrested or god forbid resisting and having to be taken by force. Police and detention officers are the enemy and what’s wrong with this country let’s go burn and loot some stuff..I mean peaceful protest, yeah long live terminal criminal George Floyd… he’s my hero and should be worshipped and used as a role model for our kids

      • Lmao you white ppl are obsessed with George Floyd that man been dead yall still carrying on about it when Half the community in joco are white meth heads and homeless fiends your ppl stay on joco report for METH quick to point fingers at others race when most of your men are either homosexuals or pedos you’re 8% of the words population yet Erupeans make up 95% of child s.x rings so calm down its evil in every race

  1. The foolishness of some people’s beliefs and opinions is bizarre. Let’s blame the underpaid hard working detection officers that have to deal with these animals everyday.

  2. I’m not white and Not obsessed with George Floyd. Its just an example of the absolute foolishness of some peoples thinking. Lets support our criminals and blame police & detention officers for everything they are forced to do. The meth head thing is correct. Mostly white recurring criminals. But I am ashamed to say, if we look at prison populations and who does the most crimes, its my people. Who shoots 92% of all blacks? Its not white people. Oh. I forgot all those in prison are innocent black people. its not their fault the system is rigged thats why they keep getting rearrested multiple times, its racism, has to be. I guess they just missed me since i dont commit crimes and live a peaceful life, like work and dont sell drugs or anything

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