SMITHFIELD – Police have charged a Four Oaks teenager with driving while impaired following a violent head on collision on US 301 South. The wreck was reported at 5:37am Saturday, in front of the former Holt Lake BBQ building, and near the Tyler Drive intersection.

Smithfield Police said John Morales-Duran, age 19, of Meadow Hills Drive, Four Oaks was operating a 2011 Dodge pickup southbound on US 301 South when he crossed the center turn lane into the northbound lane, colliding head on with a 2008 BMW SUV driven by Raymond Junior Speight, age 46, of Smithfield.

Speight was severely pinned in the SUV and had to be extricated by the Smithfield Fire Department before he was rushed by Johnston County EMS to Wake Med with serious injuries.

Morales-Duran sustained minor injuries and was evaluated at the scene.
He was charged by Smithfield Police with driving while impaired. Morales-Duran reportedly registered 0.10 on the Breathalyzer, just above the legal limit of 0.08, according to a report. He was released on a $600 bond pending a Nov. 22, 2022 court appearance.

According to an accident report, Morales-Durn was traveling at an estimated 50 mph in the Dodge pickup and Speight an estimated 45 mph in the SUV when the vehicles collided. The authorized speed limit is 45 mph.
$600????? Really?
19 year old charged with driving impaired. Caused a head on collision. The other driver has serious injuries. Then the 19 year old is released on a 600 dollar bond. Who does this kid know? Unbelievable.
Good job joco
again no surprise
They don’t care cause the other driver that he almost killed is black
Sorry about your relative, by the way. We wish him all the best and a full and speedy recovery. Stay blessed!!!
$600. ??? I think it should have been much higher.