JCC’s Accounting & Finance Degree Ranked #1

Bestvalueschools.org has ranked JCC’s Associate Degree in Accounting and Finance the best degree in Finance in 2021. The website evaluated 24 community colleges that offer online degree programs, making them affordable and accessible.

The schools were ranked according to a matrix using cost, faculty to student ratio, and graduation rate. The lower the cost and faculty to student ratio, the higher the school ranked. Higher graduation rates also helped the rank.

JCC’s Accounting and Finance Degree can be completed in two years, completely online. There are also some certificates available that can be completed in a shorter amount of time. The degree and certificates can help students advance in the accounting profession.

Graduates should qualify for entry-level accounting positions in many types of organizations including accounting firms, small businesses, manufacturing firms, banks, hospitals, school systems, and governmental agencies.

In addition to course work in accounting principles, theories, and practice, students will study business law, finance, management, and economics.

This is not a traditional transfer degree, but JCC has partnerships with Western Governors University, Fayetteville State University and University of Mount Olive, which allow for completion of 4-year degrees.