Johnston Health Announces Heightened Restrictions For Hospital Visitors

Due to the growing spread of coronavirus / COVID-19 in North Carolina, and to limit the risk of exposure for patients, caregivers, and employees, UNC Health will be enacting more stringent restrictions for visitors at its facilities.  This includes Johnston Health facilities in Smithfield and Clayton.

Effective Monday, March 23, no visitors will be permitted in any inpatient areas at UNC Heath (UNC Medical Center, UNC REX Healthcare, Chatham Hospital, UNC Hillsborough and Johnston Health) until further notice, with the exceptions noted below:

One visitor will be allowed for:
• Pediatric patient
• Partner of a laboring mother
• Emergency Department companion
• Outpatient area companion
• In-person discharge instructions
• 24 hours following a surgery or invasive procedure

The number of visitors for end-of-life situations will be determined on a case-by-case basis. In some cases, a caregiver may be allowed for patients where a family member or significant other is essential to patient care. These decisions will be made by the care team. No visitors under the age of 18 will be allowed to visit for the foreseeable future. Visitors who are over 65, pregnant or immunocompromised are discouraged from visiting.

Additional restrictions are as follows:

• The number of entrances to the hospital will be limited. All visitors and patients, including vendors and contractors, will be screened at designated entry points, including the Emergency Department.

• Any visitors who are allowed must pass a health screening. Visitors should not visit our campuses if they have one or more of the following symptoms—fever, cough or shortness of breath—or have come into contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

Patients under COVID-19 investigation may not have any visitors, unless compassionate care is approved.

These restrictions have been put in place to protect everyone’s safety. The best scientific data and expertise inform us that “social distancing” is an essential element in successful efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. We must do our part to support these guidelines and remain a good community partner. We also encourage you to use electronic communication for “virtual visitation”, such as FaceTime and Skype, in place of in-person visitation wherever possible. We appreciate your understanding at this time.