WILSON’S MILLS – A driver who reportedly fled from police on a stolen car is facing multiple charges.

Saturday afternoon, a Wilson’s Mills police officer clocked a black Acura traveling at high speed, next to a white pickup truck, on US 70. The officer attempted to pull them over for traveling 90 miles per hour in a 60 miles per hour work zone but the vehicles drove away at high speed.

The Acura was clocked at 100 mph as he attempted to exit off US 70 near Pine Level.
The driver lost control and the car flipped end-over-end, finally landing on its roof near the top of a hill. The driver tried to flee on foot but was quickly apprehended.

The car had been reported stolen in Virginia.
The suspect was transported to Wake Medical Center for treatment of minor injuries sustained in the accident.

Sometimes you get as good as you give.
Again, another POS sent to the hospital because he is a total moron. Shame he did not expire at the scene. Now we the taxpayer has to pay his hospital bill. Now, you ask probably how I can say such a horrible thing, but this animal did not think twice that he could have killed a Police Officer that has a family of his own or he could have killed another innocent driver who might even had children in the back seat. It was a Saturday afternoon not that anytime is a good time to run from the Law! I hope a Judge hangs this animal! I am so tired of reading about how all these morons run from the Law. DON’T RUN, YOU WILL NOT WIN!
Since u wishing death on others may death come to u sooner then u think and may it be in a tragic way may all your friends family and loves cry and face compilations of S thoughts and they delete themselves Steve
Well said. Steve is a lonely person.
@ Addressing Steve – And since you are wishing a tragic death on Steve – you are no better than Steve. The difference is that Steve didn’t commit at least two crimes in this news story.
The criminal behavior is increasingly annoying lately. And as a hard working taxpayer, I am also fed up with my tax dollars going to repair criminals, house criminals, feed criminals, pay for law enforcement to catch criminals, etc. It seems endless.
Well said and thank you JoCoProud. Now this shows what kind of person you are, and I would be proud to help a hardworking, tax paying person like you. People have accidents and that is what it is, an accident. This was no accident that led to the accident.
I do not break the law and I help my fellow man when I can. Also, as much as it eats me up, I pay my taxes. But you need to think, what if this guy hit you at 100 MPH. How would your family feel about this guy? I believe in the law, and I believe in our society, but I disagree in people trying to destroy this Great Country of ours (and going to get much better when we get a new president) by thinking they do not have to obey our laws. So, you can keep going on feeling about me the way you do but that just gives me a hint of the kind of person you are.