Smithfield FD Ladder Truck Involved In Collision

SMITHFIELD – A Smithfield Fire Department ladder truck was involved in a traffic accident while responding to a call. The accident happened around 5:15pm today (Tuesday) on S. Brightleaf Boulevard near Brogden Road.

The fire truck collided with a small passenger car. The driver of the car was entrapped in the wreckage.

EMS transported three people to the hospital, the driver of the fire truck and two occupants in the car. All sustained minor injuries.

Smithfield fire crews were responding to a motor vehicle accident on S. Brightleaf Boulevard at Galilee Road when the incident occurred. Additional emergency units were dispatched from Four Oaks Fire to respond to the original call.

Smithfield Police are investigating the accident.

This story has been updated to correct the number of people injured in the accident.


  1. People, you are suppose to stop for Fire trucks, EMS, Police etc. I hope they charge the driver of the car for not paying attention.

    • Tep, the more little incidents a fire or EMS responds to, the more emergency aid they receive.
      That’s why why they all go to every fender bender to create a traffic jam.

      • You have no clue what you’re talking about. No individual dept whether it’s fire, EMS, or law enforcement just goes to a call to say they went to a call to receive more emergency aid. They are dispatched based on several factors received by Johnston County 911. Know that facts before you just start making statements about something you’re clueless about!

    • YES… a lot of fire fighters are also EMT’s and Paramedics… In addition, motor vehicle crashes also usually involve leaking fluids such as gas and oil.. sometimes fires… and entrapments… those are all handled by the FD.

        • Because it hold rescue capability’s as well. Such as cribbing. Extrication etc. many fire departments will run a ladder as a rescue as well.

  2. Why are they driving a 3 million dollar ladder truck to a motor vehicle collision when they have all the other trucks plus the main one that needs to be at a vehicle collision? I guess they get tired of driving it just to the restaurants in town and blocking 7 parking spots in front.

    • Well depending on what they were doing prior to the call or what the nature of the call is depends on what they will be taken. A ladder truck can also carry extrication tools for Motor vehicle collisions.

    • I for one don’t think you know what you’re talking about and you sound ridiculous. They don’t have other trucks, trucks break down and maintenance is required. Just to show how little you know the ladder truck is a great truck for MVA due to the size of the truck because it helps block for traffic and the fact that it has everything on it to cut someone out of car that is trapped inside. Yes the fire dept eats out, but just when they have busy days and don’t have time to cook. How about you try working 24 hours with them doing a ride along and then give us your opinion.

  3. Don’t get me wrong, I know our FD has been busy lately with legit calls, and I appreciate the service. I think that alot, actually most, of the calls they respond to are unnecessary. EMS can handle almost every call they go to except for the actual fire calls and severe car accidents. Why do several fire trucks show up to diabetic emergency and dificulty breathing calls? I think they are just getting their call volume up to justify more $$ in their budget.
    If they are going to respond to EMS type calls why run sirens and lights? It just creates confusion and dangerous situations at intersections. They should take a page out of the Sheriffs Office book they respond to most calls without all the lights and sirens. When you see them behind you following close its because they are trying to get to a call as quick as possible without creating confusion and dangerously passing. Of course if its and active dangerous call then they will activate emergencey equipment. I see the small town PDs running blue lights to burglar alarms and such that are generally either already occured or false alarms. Unnecessary.

    • a lot of fire fighters are also EMT or Paramedics … they are also first responders and sometimes can get there before an ambulance. Not to mention even “minor” car accidents can have leaking fluids and glass in the roadway.

    • This is not true. EMS can handle a vast amount of there calls however our county is one of the best when it comes to our 911 center and they EMD the calls which tells the 911 operator what needs to respond. 2nd is that EMS is running more and more calls and at times the closest unit is 15-20 mins away therefor the fire department (first responders) will respond to establish care till EMS arrives. 3rd is that if this was your family that calls 911 for something bad you would want them to be there quickly in which this is the best option to establish care quick and its worked for lord knows how many years and there is also a rule that if this is a Bravo, charlie, delta or echo level response then you respond with lights and sirens if the lights are on the siren is suppose to be on as well. but at the end of the day its our job to get to the scenes safe and provide care to the sick or injured.

    • Sure. But when you go to the ER, you get a nurse, a nurse tech, a PA and an MD at your disposal. So you want your EMS to function with just a team of 2. Your FD is trained as First Responders and EMTs. They supplement what the Paramedics do in bringing care to your loved one. They obtained vital signs, establish initial care, provide scene and patient updates, retrieve equipment, help with lift assist and safe movement of the patient and even drive the ambulance so your loved one is achieving the best possible care. They don’t know what there’s until they arrive. That is why there are lights and sirens. Imagine someone getting limited information over the phone, and limited people responding to your family only to have to request more help delaying care. If you feel you can do it better, step up and volunteer or sit down and shut up.

      • Couldn’t have said it better. Every volunteer fire department is looking for dedicated volunteers to join and learn please go talk to your local fire department!!!

    • Every call is taken by Johnston County 911. Based on questions asked, nature of the call and severity of the call, each one is coded in a way that prompts Johnston County protocol response. Sometimes it’s just an ambulance, and often it’s an ambulance, first responders, (fire dept) and perhaps additional units. The fire dept doesn’t “boost call volume”. I’m sure if it were your family emergency, you’d rather have them and not need them that need them and not have them. And if you feel an “EMS call” is not an emergency that warrants running lights and sirens, you have a very limited depth of knowledge of what they respond to. Once again, if it’s your family, I bet you would want someone there quickly!

  4. I am hearing of a lot of vehicles in accidents with fire trucks or fire trucks flipping. I witnessed the other day a fire truck flying down Market Street heading towards the outlet mall/I95 area and yes it did have its lights and sirens on, but the point is they were coming to a very busy intersection and had a red light, they did not slow down one bit flew through, if they had hit a car it would have killed the people in it. Sorry, respond to accident, but don’t go so fast you are putting your and other lives at stake. Yes, folks are supposed to be stop but First Responders (all of them) also should be aware of how busy our streets have become due to so much growth, and a lot of folks are just not paying attention which is no excuse. First responders need to be aware of their surroundings too. They can be the blame too. What about the two fire trucks that flipped in the other county? Sorry but seems to me the new generation of First Responders like to go very fast no matter what the situation is. This includes the police flying down country roads at 100 miles an hour. Why? No one is front of you, and you certainly don’t know what is around that curve. Folks, everyone needs to slow down, move over for the First Responders and report anyone you see that may be going too fast for the situation. Who knows, maybe you will save a life. God Bless All.

  5. Beach life, I agree with everything you are saying. Except one thing, sometimes if you see Deputy cars driving fast, down Country roads it is because they have a strick policy about using emergency equipment, (lights and Sirens). Unless someone is in immediate danger, just go as quickly as possible without all the passing and dangerous driving. So yes, they may be speeding but just trying to get to a Domestic that is just verbal at the time or a burglar alarm or something that requires them to promptly respond but not all out code 3 emergency response. This may not make sense to some, but you can drive fast without being reckless if a situation warrants. If you have a deputy behind you and they seem impatient because now you have slowed down to 5 mph under the speed limit, that is why, just pull over if you don’t want them behind you. If they are driving and looking at their computer and crossing yellow line or weaving then call and report their car number on back glass. The Sheriff does not put up with non-sense, thats why hes been Sheriff longer than any other Sheriff in NC…

  6. OK now I am going to chime in as a retired FDNY (THE LARGEST FIRE DEPARMENT IN THE WORLD) It is standard procedure to have a ladder truck respond to a MVA for many reasons and it is not to get the call volume up.
    1) Firefighters on a ladder and engine must be certified in CPR
    2) Fire departments respond to MVA if the severity of the MVA is questionable. Rather them respond to an underrated call then not have one for an overrated call.
    3) The FD responds in the event the Ambulance is involved in route to the MVA
    4) The FD assists the Ambo personnel in many ways like there are times they need to have an extra person in the rear of the Ambo in rout to the hospital.
    5) Many times, Engine Company also responds in the event a wash down is needed. For those that do not know a washdown is in the event of gas or glass, blood and other road Debree that can be a hazard to safe motoring.
    6) As Police Officers are limited, Firefighters also take on the job of traffic control.

    This is just a few reasons as to why the fire department responds to MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident). There are two types of Fire Trucks that carry the kind of equipment needed for all kind of extractions from vehicles. One is the Ladder Truck and 2nd is the Heavy Rescue Unit. Normally the Ladder Truck is the one to respond as to keep the Heavy Rescue in service for a much more needed call.

    Give these guys a break, they are willing to leave their family and give up their life to save yours. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. The Fire Department is not political. It is a job for some and volunteers for others but with one purpose, TO HELP!!

  7. The other day before this ladder accident I seen the fire truck going so fast down the road through school zones. No need to go that fast. Slow down!

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