SELMA – Johnston County deputies recovered a stolen excavator, Friday afternoon.

Officers were dispatched to suspicious activity in a wooded area the 1000 block of Bizzell Grove Church Road. Officers said they found Robert Manley Narron, 35, of Bay Valley Road, Kenly at the location along with a excavator that had been reported stolen in Orange County.
Narron was charged with felony possession of stolen property.
Two other vehicles found at the location were impounded.
He was held under a $10,000 bond on the latest charge.
On January 13, Robert Manley Narron was arrested for allegedly stealing $4,000 in property from an address on Elevation Road near Benson on January 2. He was released on bail on those charges pending trial.
Why keep letting him out? You have to see he has no regard for anything or anyone.
This dude has been habitually arrested for years and years now. Please keep him locked up for the safety of our community. I don’t care that his parents think he can do no wrong.. he doesn’t do too much that’s right.
These Trump folks just feel like they can commit crimes whenever they want because their president does.
You’re about as bright as 5 watt light bulb.
Well both his parents are registered Republicans, it is a matter of public records.
He is not wrong. Voter registration is public record. His parents any how…
So is ecourt portal. Public court records.
I know.
I agree.
He was arrested again after just being released. Why doesn’t anyone get it? I wouldn’t be surprised if he jumps bail.
And this is any of your business how? Get a life and stop downing people when you know nothing about the situation
I agree with u g
TDS is strong in here!
Good job for joco deputies and concerned citizen. Needs to be put away and throw away the key .
People like you and the rest of these clowns are exactly what’s wrong with this world. Y’all get up here and talk smack about stuff you have no idea or business talking about. Maybe if you would take a look in the mirror you would probably find the problem.
They say nobody wants to work anymore but Mr. Narron is out there putting idle machines to good use.
Stefan…how have you been? Haven’t seen you in the news lately that’s a good thing. Still hanging with TL?
A Davis, Hey Stefan. I hope you are doing well. I think throwing away the key isn’t the answer, and my son is fixing to be released in a few days. But I’ve worked in the system and seen how they are treated and the neglect I promise they receive firsthand. So I think offering things to help and keep them focused on a better life is the right thing to do, give them a chance to be actually rehabilitated and if they screw up that opportunity thing go to the next step. I’m promise i have fought since 2022 June to be exact to keep up with his health just to finally get an MRI and lab work to see his tumor is back for the third time. And everything they get it good, free meals and no bills. Well, let’s try where I worked, I’ve seen maggots in the food, but you go to jail for leaving animals outside. So until this sorry state try’s to do their part not much will change, I don’t defend what drug uses and stuff my son did, but he pulled all his time and going some when he gets out because we want the best for him and if he fails thats on him we tried. But the system is breaking we as a world is broken, we need to help and fight to get this back to where it’s better. You can find me privately if you have anything negative to say because I haven’t said anything about anyone here personally so respect me also .
This guy and his uncle, have always been a headache to the Johnston Co. Sheriff’s Office. Put him away with David Neil Phillips. They all use to run together.
The uncle passed away not too ago. Killette will be out soon if not already, so get ready for that crime spree..
I like how people come on here and comment anonymously. That stupid a** comment about political party affiliation is asinine. I happen to know quite a few Jonhston County Deputies and I have yet to meet one that was not a Republican. Killette was locked up for a little over a decade and you know when he comes home leads me to believe that you’ve been keeping up with him. You sure do know a lot about the Killette and Narrons’. With the way you speak on them they seem to be nothing but filth and a cancer to humanity. How do you know so much? Have you been a cancer leighlah? Unless you’ve been in the trenches you wouldn’t know the true heart of these men if you was ******* ** **. You educated pillars of the community come on here and leave holier than thou comments and sound like ignorant clowns with a severe case of diarrhea of the mouth. I just saying it’s public record.
I believe in second chances as I was given one. We all make mistakes. But we all do not keep making them – over and over and over – unless addiction or some other type of mental illness is involved, in MOST cases. Yes, there are exceptions to every rule. I know plenty of people who have been in the trenches- some get out, some die there, some are still there, some want to get out. I also know that with some of these families – it is generational. And that is easy to see. It is sad though. I want people to have access to good mental health doctors, good counselors, good jobs, decent homes. I honestly believe most of the problems today (with crime) is caused by addiction and mental health issues. All of which should be mandatory treatment. Putting someone in jail/ prison and not treating their substance abuse/mental illness is failing not only the person but society as a whole. There is also a percentage of people that do not fall into this category and I know that. We do have a spike in crime when we have a spike in addiction/mental health issues. I also know that an addict will not get sober until they are ready so nothing about this fight will be easy.
All that to say – yes I see the same people and family members committing crimes. Part of me is angry, part of me feels sad and part of me feels they have been let down and part of me feels like they don’t care. And I also have friends and family members who have addictions and been in trouble. I will be the first to help someone if they truly want to change but I will not be taken advantage of.
Are you Jer or Jor
I was going to keep my mouth shut but at this point I feel like I have to say something as a member of this family.
For anyone & everyone on here wanting to ridicule and talk down about someone else especially when they don’t even know them is a shame.
Regardless of what you have read about or your opinion of this person, he is HUMAN! Who is anyone to judge or keep score or someone else’s life?!?
As for his parents or family members being dragged I don’t believe that they have done anything but do exactly what a GOOD parent does…love their child UNCONDITIONALLY!
That’s not to say that anyone agrees with or encourages anyone to do wrong!!!
BUT It sure as h*ll doesn’t make them bad people!
I can’t think of a single family, not a SINGLE one that has not had some sort of drama, hardship, trouble, accidents, or some sort of relative ever be arrested!
So when you get ready to comment degrading & disrespectful things PLEASE do remember next week it could just as easily be YOUR son/daughter/father/mother/husband/wife/relative/friend with their mugshot posted on here.
My adult child was once listed in the JoCoReport after being arrested for criminal activity. And folks made their comments. And I wasn’t angry because it was all true – my kid and his/her accomplices broke the law. They were all criminals and needed to be locked up for their crimes. Addiction will make even good-hearted and well-raised people do some lowly things to feed their addictions, but it doesn’t make their crimes any less illegal. To your point, however, it doesn’t do any good to make comments that are disparaging. Hope Mr. Narron will accept help for whatever he is struggling with.
My dear KJB, I hope you’re doing well. I also hope you’ve straightened your life out because R e m does need one decent parent.
I understand you want to defend him, but at the same time you need to understand some people never change even though they had several occasions to, and given no expense spared to do so. Not everyone is that lucky. As I think you’ve learned by now, love won’t change anyone. Sadly, neither will having a child. The child is the one that suffers, especially when both parents have been in trouble most of their life. May you continue to thrive, but don’t bring yourself down hanging onto hope that someone else who is obviously struggling will change. You don’t have the power to make him a better person. I remember hearing mama K talk about how innocent her son was several years ago. Therein lies the problem for me and others who do know this family. Take the blinders off. That’s all I can tell y’all- take the blinders off.
He’s got eyes on him
He’ll be out again. He’s going to enter the wrong home one day, the rest with the other ones too
Yes him and Neil have ALWAYS been a problem in the community I agree. Neil finally got put away and now it’s time to do the same to this low life
Neil was brazen. Same with Wayne Warren …
He likes to steal big expensive things. I’m SURE detectives are looking everywhere to link him to many more that he hasn’t been caught with… yet.
You know it could be hereditary…
Like uncle…
Does it make you feel any better to disrespect the dead? Just wondering. Regardless of what these people may or may not have done, your own lack of integrity is coming through the more you say.
I have never understand the concept of someone dying and everyone thinks people should forget the bad and/or illegal things they did. Dying does not make one a saint. Dead or not, we all lived the life we did – good, bad and ugly. If one doesn’t want to hear the truth – then I am not the one lacking integrity. Repect is earned by the way…and heroin dealer( among many other crimes) are not my list – dead or alive. Plus you have no idea if this person harmed someone I love…
Who are you? I’m just wondering since you seem to think you know everyone. I would love to know exactly who you are???
First and foremost, what a liberal thing to do. Bringing politics into something that has nothing to do with his arrest.
“You don’t have the power to make him a better person.” People like you that are negative and do nothing but continue to drag peoples name through the mud, makes it pretty difficult for people.
As far as “speaking on the dead” and it not making them saints, regardless they are gone, so why bring up all the bad. Talk about the good if youre gonna bring up irrelevant sh*t to the situation. Again, the dead didnt hold his hand doing the things he has done.
Manley didnt f****** kill someone. So all of you saying lock him up for good, throw the key away, take the blinders off, etc etc. is a little overboard.
As far as telling KBell you hope she has gotten her life together, maybe you ought to do some self reflecting and address the type of person you are.
And lastly, most importantly, bringing up his son, you need the taste slapped out your mouth for that one. Manley is a human and loves his son, but battles demons every day just like anyone else in this world. Some people need more chances than others to get it right. Life is tough, and your sh*t is no more/less difficult than anyone else’s.
“I believe in second chances as I was given one. We all make mistakes. But we all do not keep making them – over and over and over – unless addiction or some other type of mental illness is involved, in MOST cases. Yes, there are exceptions to every rule.” I guess you got the golden f****** ticket to get it right with one single second chance, and now youre a saint right? Do you know if he has mental health issues? addiction issues? Are you his health provider? No. Didnt think so.
With that being said, go to h***.
-Kayla and Dylan Smith, oh and we’re REPUBLICANS so save your digging.
I hope this young man turns his life over to Jesus.
Yeah right… this man would steal from Jesus
Yeah right… this man would steal from Jesus & Squirrels….